Kyra Gwin

  • Lilith

    Cross between: Harry Potter, Angel, Twilight, and In The Forests of the Night. Lilith is born dead and still lives a dream come true but things occur to ruin everything and she must cope with differences and soon her life is in danger. Full Summery inside

  • Visions and Real Life

    Voldie has a daughter who had been killed and turned into a vampire. Now he's distrupting her life b4 his downfall and after he returns again from the dead. She has 'visions' after she's killed, most all involving her murderous father: Voldemort Riddle.

  • Jackie Cross

    James and Jackie are brother and sister and she can't tell him because of the death threat on her life. Finally Sirius gets it out of her and she breaks and tells him everything. please read and review.