
  • Home, Love, Family

    Gabby has been working at 51 for only a month, enjoying the friendships that were growing, but she has a secret, something that she liked to keep to herself, but she begins to realise that keeping the secret wasn't as easy as she would like when you become close with the people you work with. Eventual Dawsey! lots of drama, suspense, friendship and romance coming your way!

  • Lyrical

    Multichapter will be based on songs (or part of songs). It will focus mostly on Dawsey but also on Matt or Gabby individually. Just something a little different. Rating will vary for each chapter! K-M CHAPTER 3 IS RATED M!

  • Knowing Smiles

    Gabby takes Eva shopping ... there she meets up with Casey.

  • Away

    Shay, Kelly, Gabby, Herrman, Cindy, Matt, Antonio and Laura spend a week away at Gabby and Antonia's Aunt and Uncles holiday house. When the group realise there are two people who should be together but aren't. Fun, relationship, friendships and humour occurs. Completely AU. (I suck at summaries)