Sir Gawaine

  • All Comes Down

    'It all comes down to you.' The last in the Harry, Ruth, Kodaline series.

  • Closed

    'Zaf wanted to beg her to change her mind but he knew it wouldn't work. Ruth was stronger than all of them, when it came down to it. She was always going to win.' Also known as 'How Zaf Closed The Book'. Rated for language.

  • The Risk of Winter

    AKA Four Times Ros Walked Away And One Time She Stayed. Rated for language.

  • The Best Kept Secrets

    ...never did stay secret for long. Set post Christmas special.

  • Snapshots

    Snapshots of life on the Grid; moments between people who are sometimes friends, sometimes enemies, sometimes more than family. All characters will play a part at some point.

  • Oblivion

    'Harry had not slept well for the past few days, Ruth knew.' Fluff of the fluffiest variety, set sometime in S9.

  • Pictures of You

    AKA Four Times Jo Took A Photograph Of A Colleague and One Time Someone Took One Of Her.

  • Infallible

    "I just wanted to protect what I had, Harry. I didn't mean for it to escalate like it did." Also known as the one with the insider trading (7x05) Rating for mild language.

  • Tommy

    'She had all but forgotten about her friendly cabbie, sweet as he had been. Then came The Day Of The Budget Meeting, Harry's most hated day of the year save none.' AKA How 'Spook Taxis' Happened.

  • Voices At The Door

    AKA Four Times Colin Left Someone A Post-It Note And One Time Someone Left Him One. Rated for minor language.