
  • My Salvation

    A routine patrol turns to chilling chaos and questions when the guys stumble upon the Foot dabbling in something far beyond organized crime - witchcraft and a hostage with a past that tracks back centuries. (Raph/OC) **An over-haul of a very old fic of mine - Heavenly Prophecy**

  • Where the Forgotten Go

    Sing (2016 Movie). There comes a point in the lives of many who suffer from depression or trauma. A point where they take the person they used to be and bury them. And they think that once those "other selves" are buried, they're gone for good. But they're not. What happens is so...absurdly surreal that the only way I can think to describe it is to tell you my story. Johnny/OC.

  • The LipGloss Admission

    Dr. Sheldon Cooper has a reason for not wanting Amy to wear lip-gloss. One that has nothing to do with how slippery it looks.

  • Sharing the Shenny Sauce

    "It's okay. You can say it. I love you too." Rated M for adult language and shameless, fluffy Shenny smut!