
  • Naughty Game Nights

    Just a few one-shots of Dean and Reader turning game nights into (you guessed it) naughty game nights.

  • Relax

    After a long day of council meetings, planning Anna's wedding, and lots of walking, Elsa is in need of some good old relaxation. Or at least something like that.

  • A Theory About Training

    It's time to train and Dean wants some help from the reader in proving whether or not this training theory he's got it true or not.

  • Laundry Day Should Be Everyday

    Laundry day is the reader's day to relax and unwind and listen to her music. Today, however, Dean has a different activity ready for her.

  • Dirty Thoughts

    Dean comes home and can read the reader's mind. One thing leads to another. (sorry for the suck summary)

  • Homemade Ice Cream

    Based on an imagine from the tumblr blog Imagine: Reader has made some homemade ice cream to go along with the apple pie and Dean decides to thank her properly.

  • Traffic Jam

    After a long hunt, reader is ready to get some sleep. Saying is much easier than doing, though. Reader and Dean get stuck in a traffic jam and the events that follow... well, let's just say it's a good thing it's dark outside.

  • All Of You Is Mine

    Dean and the reader go costume shopping. What happens after is not the reader's fault, well... kind of.

  • Good Cop, Bad Cop

    Male POV. Ruby and Meg are searching for information on the whereabouts of Sam and Dean Winchester. Unfortunately, they're interrogating you, but not in the normal way you'd expect.

  • Sneak A Peek

    Reader is ready to get some sleep, but is woken up by an unexpected (but wonderful) sight.

  • Give Me The Code

    Natasha is sent to contain Agent Barton BEFORE he retrieves the iridium and kill him if she has to. WARNING: Contains NSFW, Smut, Oral Sex, Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Mildly Dubious Consent, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Non-Consensual Bondage, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Denial, Multiple Orgasms, more tags to come.

  • Anniversary

    Weeks after the events of Frozen, Elsa and Jack have their one year anniversary since Jack's disappearance and reappearance and Elsa has gotten EVERYONE out of the castle to have some fun with Jack.

  • Remember Me

    "The name is Jack Frost." he emphasized every syllable of his name. "No," she gasped. As soon as she uttered the word the room began to change back to it's original icy blue and the ice that imprisoned Jack began to melt, "that's not possible." He's not real, he can't be. I mean, he was just an imaginary friend I thought of to pass the time when I was alone, it can't be, she argue