Faith the Border Collie

  • Rosalie's hair

    Edward is uncomfortable, Rosalie is mad, and everyone else is in hysterics. Find out why inside! Mentions of mature themes, no details.

  • Mrs King Lisense to spy

    Mrs King has a secret, What it is and what will it entail. when a certain new spy is on the scene what will it mean for the MI High agents, will they still be agents or will they be out of the job for good? no longer co written. Please review. COMPLETE

  • Falling on deaf ears

    When Harry arrives at platform 9 and 3/4, it is a great surprise to everyone when he is deaf and severely injured. After being healed by Madame Pomfrey, he and Severus work together to reintegrate him back into society. What will they uncover when they work though the problems of his past. No Slash. Mentions of Abuse and Disabilities. Mentor Fic. Cannon. Disclaimer. Taster chapter.

  • mi high zoe return

    Zoe's back out of the blue but why. When Dan get injured on a mission will he be allowed to continue with MI 9. SPOILER contains reference and inclusion of illness. FINAL CHAPTER NOW UP