Alex Moss

  • Run With Me

    Maria Hill had feelings for Natasha from the start but even when they eventually acknowledge that it might be mutual they know they can't sacrifice their work to be more than friends. Yet with a developing relationship comes the promise of eventually sitting down to plan a future. A future they never get the chance at. M for content. This is Femslash

  • Kith and Kin

    Follows on from my work Deliverance, which follows Obsession. I would recommend reading them before this.

  • Pick Me Up

    Basically a one shot where Nat and Wanda play-flirt using pick up lines much to the teams confusion and sometimes chagrin... until its not playing anymore.

  • Deliverance

    This fic follows on from Obsession! The gist? Natasha and Kate go missing, Wanda and Yelena go looking for them. Going to rate it M for Violence but its pretty mild so could have got away with a T. Pairings are firm at Yelena/Kate and Natasha/Wanda.

  • Obsession

    I am very deeply into this Ship, i can't lie. Kate/Yelena. Nat isn't dead dead, making use of some fan theories. Kate and Yelena get closer after the events of S1E6. Nothing terribly explicit in regards to smut but I'm going to rate it M anyways. This is Femslash. Also WandaNat at the end a little smidge.

  • Greyscale Rainbows

    This is a Soumate fic where in a person can't see colour until they find their soulmate. This is Kate/Yelena. Smutty but not overtly explicit. It isn't exactly a happy ending either. Terrible summary. M for content.

  • Temporal Slate

    Waking up in the Manor every night after the war leads Hermione and Narcissa to form a friendship but when her nightmares begin to change and a woman thought dead starts leaving her clues how can Hermione possibly ignore them. Against her better judgement she follows the clues and discovers more than she thought possible about herself and about the woman who had tortured her.

  • Pay the Price and Man Up

    Pretty much a poly fic where Carol is the one to tell Yelena about what happened to Nat after finding out herself and then the pair go on a mission to bring their favourite Widow back. And Romancy shenanigans. T because there isn't really any smut or blood.

  • Learning Something New

    After the war things seem to be going really well, Hermione is career driven and so is Ron. Yet Hermione has needs and desires that Ron seems unwilling to meet, leading her to try something new. It somewhat backfires but leads to quite the revelation about herself. Hermione and some female character endgame. F/F. Likely Some F/M mentions who knows. M for later chapters.

  • Crash Course

    Tiny Ficlet. Loosely implied future Bellamione. Hermione gives Voldemort a few tips. Technically Canon.

  • Threads of Time

    The Battle of Hogwarts is lost and Hermione Granger flees to a different country in search of a way to stop the Dark Lord and his forces. An answer is offered up by an ancient tribe but it will only work if Hermione can change the past. While back in 1967 she makes new friends realises she has more family in the future than she thought. HGMM. Bellamione friendship M for the future.

  • Extinction: Not all bad

    One-shot. This is set in RE: Extinction and i have replaced Carlos with Jill. J-Mart. Jill/K-mart Smut. Implied Claire/Alice

  • First meeting

    Claire/Heidi pairing. Set during season one while Claire is staying with Nathan, Peter and Angela. Pretty much just smut with a little story. One shot unless a second chapter is encouraged. F/F paring. (You are forewarned.) Not too explicit but M to be safe. Love reviews.

  • Starting Over

    Obsidian Gold, an Alicorn mare from a different dimension stumbles upon a mare about to give birth in the middle of a dark forest. Little does she know the mare is none other than quiet Fluttershy, the recently titled 'lost element'. Obsidian helps the mare by taking her back to the cottage but when the small filly is born there is a problem and the foal needs urgent help. Femslash

  • REquest

    This story was requested, there for the title is kind of... simple. Kmart/Alice. Set during Extinction. M for later chapters. f/f loving. Implied Claire/Carlos. R&R!

  • Leah's Mate

    Leah Clearwater is the only girl in her tribe with the ability to turn into a wolf and has been subtly ridiculed for it. Now some answers of the she-wolfs are being answered, such as, will she ever imprint? f/f Leah/OC. M for later chapters.

  • Always Forward

    Hermione leaves the wizarding world behind and realises things are a little harder in the muggle world than she expected. A year after the final Battle she bumps into old enemies who become new friends, despite her choice in profession. Can she get past her past and start over in the wizarding world and will her newest truest friend end up as more? Strong M rating. CissaMione fic

  • Never Find Yourself

    A small snippet about a secret relationship between Fred and Hermione and the devastation that came after the final battle. Fred/Hermione relationship. George/Hermione friendship. M/F. Rated T

  • The Black Mouse and the Lost Girl

    Hermione and Bellatrix witness each others pasts while trapped in a hidden Ministry room and develop a friendship that escalates to something more over the course of the following months. New friendships are made and old fray when truths come to light. Bellatrix/Hermione femslash. M for later chapters. Grey!Hermione Grey!Bellatrix

  • Veela's Lioness

    APOLLINE/HERMIONE. Rare pair? ... The first time Apolline saw the girl she was too young but still piqued her interest. The second time, years later, Apolline was determined that nothing would stop the French half-veela from claiming her mate. Her Gryffindor Lioness. Femslash. Apolline/Hermione. M for a reason.