
colorful swirls

  • From a Distance

    Minerva McGonagall watches the next generation of the Potter/Weasley family and is—figuratively—thrown back in time.

  • honey & rain showers

    "I still love you," he whispers, making her eyes widen. — Teddy, Victoire, and the start of an era.

  • wild fire

    "They're a match made in hell." — Rose/Scorpius, my first attempt at a freeverse.

  • Up, Up, and Away

    When you're trying to get a girl, offering her hot chocolate is a very helpful trick. — OliverKatie, and the first kiss of many.

  • Videos From the Future

    During Harry's fifth year, while the kids are at Hogwarts, a boring meeting of the Order of Phoenix is turned upside down when a box of tapes from the future arrive.

  • Inextinguishable

    Rose Weasley is absolutely inextinguishable. — Rose/Scorpius, freeverse.

  • a million reasons

    He's thirteen years older, but love doesn't have an age limit, something that she learns quickly. — Remus/Tonks, a million times over.

  • one of the lost boys

    That's all he is, really, in the end—though Fred has a better term for it (the boy who never grew up).

  • broken butterfly

    can you keep falling for someone, even when they've already fallen? - cho/cedric, for lost love and queens that rule without their king. / winner of the april 2013 fan favorite awards.

  • dances of lunar energy

    Because he's Slytherin and she's Ravenclaw and these things never work out long term, but that doesn't mean you can't try. - DracoLuna.

  • Broken Life

    She is just a woman. - Andromeda/Ted.

  • these ashes, they stop us

    And she thinks that it's all her fault. - AngelinaFred.

  • Universes

    AU. And so it changed nothing.

  • Midnight Dawn

    In the end, she's his hero, not the other way around. - HarryGinny.

  • Possibilities

    Anything can happen when you have a magic wand. / A collection of ten NextGen one-shots. LucyLorcan, TeddyVictoire, RoseScorpius, and more.

  • how did this happen?

    She thinks that she hates him, but she loves him just a teenytiny bit more. — RonHermione through the years.

  • Fleeting

    The war is over, but the battle is just beginning. - RonHermione, for Empress.

  • Eternal

    They will be forever, because this sort of love has to eternal. - MollyArthur.

  • Coincidence

    ..and there is really only one thing to do. - LilyJames, for Glass.

  • lovers lie

    She's Rose Weasley, and being the smartest witch of your age doesn't leave much room for falling in love. - RoseScorpius, for Lucy.