
  • My Hero

    An AU where Roger's father is abusive, and turns him timid and scared. When Mark is asked out by one of the hottest guys in school, Roger senses his bad intentions right away. Can he warn, and save Mark before it's too late? Marker.

  • Say something, I'm giving up on you

    Rogers dying, and Mark can only sit back and watch as his whole world slowly fades away. Marker fic. If you dont like the pairing, dont read. Simple as that. Reviews are always appreciated! this happens to be a song-fic where the lyrics kind of add to the mood. I used "A great big world"- say something. Enjoy!

  • Sick

    It occurs to you that he won't make it through the night, and tears sting your vision, turning the person you love more than anything else in the world into a blur. Roger Davis doesn't cry, but for him, you would do anything.

  • The fight (Marker fic)

    Roger loves Mark. Mark loves Roger. But when a fight threatens to tear their whole world apart, how will they pick up the pieces? (Mark/Roger) if couple fights arent your thing, avoid this. If you ship marker as hard as I do, the fluff at the end of this fic will make you feel like you just witnessed two kittens fighting over a slipper. Reviews are much appreciated!

  • All Rockers go to heaven

    He choked and kicked as he was held over the side, his eyes wide with fear. "You have been nothing but selfish, and disrespectful to those who loved you... you were ungrateful and rude in your final hours..." The man glared down at him "Roger Davis..." he began, eyes narrowed. "If you had the chance to redeem yourself... to undo what was done... to make things right... would you?"

  • Vous sont manquant à partir de moi: You are missing from me

    Mark and Roger have recovered from the events of Rent together. They have been dating for almost three years, they're both working, and our boys are even closer than ever. Life is okay.. until one fateful day when a demon from Mark's past comes back to haunt them both. Mark/Roger. Don't like it, dont read. Reviews are greatly appreciated!

  • Your own worst enemy

    He wondered if somewhere, another version of him had it better. He wondered if it was possible for he, and all of his friends to be free from the weight of disease, and starvation. He wondered if some other him didn't discover his girlfriend with slit wrists in the tub, or go through a grueling and painful half a year withdrawal. Well…. he was right. About one of those things...

  • Ghosts of the past

    The world gains hope when Avatar Korra is born in the south. However, after the ambitious Unalaq visits and asks to train her spiritually, Tonraq refuses. Following through with his plan to take the south- and next, the world, Unalaq kills Tonraq, and sends Korra running. With the entire world believing her to be dead as well- can anyone stop Unalaq's plan for darkness?

  • Back to the future

    After Collins does the impossible, and invents time travel, Mark gets himself into serious trouble when he accidentally goes back to his past, and prevents one of the most important events of his timeline from ever happening... the day he and Roger Davis first met...

  • The lavabender

    "BOLIN!" Mako shouted in a panic as the stocky earth bender ran at the lava, bending a few walls behind him to ensure that the substance wouldn't get to his friends. He began trying to push it back with earth, screaming as he felt the intense heat getting closer, and closer. No matter what happened, he was determined to keep the people he cared about safe. He wasnt a child anymore.

  • Happy Birthday, Roggy

    At seventeen years old, Roger hasn't ever had a good birthday before. Mark is about to learn why. Teen!Mark/Roger.

  • Snow Day

    Eight year old Mark, and Ten year old Roger decide to go sledding when their school closes for the week due to a blizzard. (More Kid!Mark and Roger fluffiness.)

  • The first day

    Seven year old Mark Cohen can't wait to go into first grade with his best friend, Roger Davis. Just a fluffy little one shot I wrote because there isn't nearly enough kid!Mark and Roger fluff around here. Enjoy!

  • It's just a spider

    Roger Davis is a tough guy. A washed up rock star, ex junkie, with chains hanging from his pockets, and a cigarette dangling precariously from his chapped lips. His reputation isn't always what it seems, though. Mark learns an interesting fact about his lover. Silly little one shot. (Mark/Roger)

  • A very Marker Easter

    The boho boys arent used to having quiet holidays anyway. Written because I'm a bum these days who needs to be more productive. Warning: contains Mark/Roger. Dont like, dont read. Happy Easter everyone!

  • Roger's withdrawal

    A look into a day of Roger's withdrawal. Slight Mark/Roger.

  • You scared me

    After the craziness of the protest, the bohos managed to get away. Suddenly, to Roger's horror, they realized what they forgot to take with them. Their dorky filmmaker, who wouldn't be any match for the cops Benny put on stand by. No marker in this one.

  • Youre drunk

    What happens when Roger gets wasted, and Mark joins him? hilarity. Slight Mark/Roger.

  • Youre gonna get better, Rog (Marker fic)

    Obviously not that realistic, but these two give me feels, and I figured, why not give them a happy ending, just this once? The cure for AIDS emerges. Mark/Roger.

  • The talent show (Highschool marker)

    It's Roger's first big gig, the highschool talent show. Mark is by his side the whole way, and something more inevitably develops. Highschool AU. Mark/Roger