
  • Breakdown

    I need this here, old train to breakdown. Oh, please just, let me please breakdown. - Phan. Warnings: Death and Depression. Review if you like.

  • A Light In The Dark

    He truly was my light in the dark. He illuminated the long hallways of life with just a simple smile. Pairing: Mavin/RageHappy. Warnings: Mature content in later chapters, though not heavily detailed and swearing. If enjoyed, will be continually updated.

  • Whispers In The Dark

    A brush with the devil can clear your mind and strengthen your spine. I'm worried that I blew my only chance. - Kickthefire (Phan In the beginning). Warnings: Drug Abuse and Swearing. - Honestly not my best. Read and review if you like.

  • My Saviour

    Maybe he's really helping my case, I'll fall in love, just this once. Our time together is growing longer, Our touches lasting longer than mere moments. - Poem story PHAN. Warnings: Self Harm

  • To Build A Home

    No matter how bad the pain was, he'd take it away in minutes, seconds. He'd never complain, and always reminded you he loved you. You've always loved him...even now... Sadstuck Trigger warning: Suicide

  • Blind In Love

    "Oh you know, this and that. I had a feelin' I needed to go out today, so here I am. Seems fate had some plans for me today. Not too sure what though." He continued to smirk, even as his slight country drawl came out. "Tell ya what- let me take you out to coffee, and it never happened." His smirk grew bigger as he awaited a response. - Slight Language, No Sburb.