Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, post Iron Man 3. When a mysterious group breaks Emil Blonsky, aka the Abomination, out of containment, SHIELD tasks Tony "Iron Man" Stark with taking both Blonsky and this mysterious group down, but Blonsky is only stage one of the group's plan, and their leader has ties to Tony's past.
Novelization of the ZOE anime, beginning with 2167 I DOLO and continuing from there. At the moment, there are two chapters, but eventually, there should be more. Please read/review.
A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away... A special clone breaks free from containment on Kamino, and travels to Coruscant a stowaway on a Republic cargo ship. He searches for help, for guidance, and a way to escape the bounty hunters sent after him. His search takes him to the most unlikely of allies in a former Padawan.