What happened after Celestia drank all that tea
A oneshot about why it kind of sucks to be Celestia and Luna
Discord mails a package to Fluttershy
A sequel to my Lost Episode of Wile E Coyote CreepyPasta
A funny oneshot with Tech E Coyote
A mom of one of the dead children goes to Freddy's
Discord Reads A Power Ponies Comic
Ever wonder about the day shift people?
Well Kion stories are probably already exploding onto here minus well join in
A theory about what happened to Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed
Discord shows the princesses his true power
Luna engages a mighty foe in battle
Two headed male dog meets female one headed dog. Nuff said
Another pasta by me
Twilight turns Rainbow into a draconequus. Oneshot
A short silly oneshot with Discord and the mirror pool