

  • It's Not A Date

    Twitter Prompt: When Chloe goes to break up the party at LUX, Ella tags along with her, eventually joining Linda and the Goddess as they watch Lucifer and Chloe dance together.

  • Look How Far We've Come

    Lucifer couldn't believe what was happening; Rory is asking him to leave; is asking him to promise that he wouldn't change anything. He knows his calling feels right, but promising to abandon his child feels wrong . He wanted to do right by their daughter and agree to what she's currently asking, but it doesn't make sense.

  • Living the Dream

    Chloe wakes up early as usual, her and Lucifer alternating every other day to prepare breakfast for their children before she heads to work. It's her turn this day so she makes those special sandwiches her family loves so much.

  • In Another Life, I Would Make You Stay

    Prompt from Twitter. Prompt link in my profile. On her way back to the future, Rory makes the mistake of wondering what her life would have been if her father stayed and gets whisked in a reality where that's what exactly happened.

  • All The Same

    All he wanted was for her to love him back.