
  • Secret Sorrow, Secret Joy

    Things aren't always what they seem, and different people may interpret events differently. "Our family just always kept secrets, you know?" Mom, Dad, big sister, little brother. Meet the Casey family at home.

  • Chase, MBBS: Hail, Fellow, Well Met

    "Getting this job? It's the greatest thing that ever happened to me." At the urging of Dr. Cuddy, Dr. House finally takes on a 'regular' fellow, but the only fellow he'll accept isn't 'regular' at all.

  • Chase, MBBS: Drinks After Work

    Dr. Park plumbs the depths of her perceived 'problem' with her colleague Dr. Chase at the end of Season 8, episode 8 "The Perils of Paranoia." Alliteration intended.

  • Chase, MBBS: Nine Days Wonder

    Robert Chase navigates the 'crossroads of life' with the help of Park's grandmother.

  • Chase, MBBS: Collateral Damage from the Last Resort

    Early in Season 5, Episode 9 Chase walked out of the differential diagnosis. Here is what happened to him.

  • Chase, MBBS: Reparations

    House embraced change at the end of Season 3 by firing Chase, but when Chase turns up in another department at the beginning of Season 4, it is up to House to heal the breach.

  • Chase, MBBS: First Turkey Day After

    Idle speculation on what might have transpired during Robert Chase's 'lost' Thanksgiving in Season 6, Episode 9: Ignorance is Bliss.

  • Child of No One

    What's in a surname? An exploration of Heath Barkley's identity and true name, inspired by Season 1, Episode 7: Winner Lose All and by Helena's wonderful Palms of Glory fanfiction "What a Difference a Day Makes."

  • Anything for You

    "I'd do anything for you. Anything. You know that, don't you?" Heath Barkley puts his money where his mouth is and does as Mother wishes. A Now and Then Story based on Season 1, Episode 13: The Guilt of Matt Bentell.

  • The Adventures of Jeremy Simms

    Jeremy goes to war.

  • Through a Glass, Darkly or, Jim Sonnett's 'Other' Pa

    An exploration of the entire series' premise through the lens of events in the Season 1 Episode 18: "What's in a Name?" A mirror image, while reversed, may be more revealing than you think. Characters: James Sonnett & Kevin McKey (who calls himself 'Will Sonnett' in the episode)

  • Nothing to Laugh At

    So what did Heath see in Ward Whitcomb, anyway? A 'Now and Then' story, inspired by Season 1, Episode 23: The Fallen Hawk.

  • There Will Your Heart Be

    Speculation on the nature of family, inspired by Season 2, episode 1: The Lost Treasure.

  • White Feather

    What is the nature of bravery, or of cowardice? Is it braver to die for what you believe in than to refuse to die for what you do not believe in? Isn't the instinct for survival the strongest instinct we possess? Four men may have more than four answers.