
  • Righteous Judges

    The scorned wife of a Legionnaire finds herself committing a murder most foul, and with the blood on her hands having just kicked a hornet's nest, she flees to find the mythical Burned Man to help set things right. More chapters to come.

  • Samedi: Kali

    A brief sketch of a Polynesian Samedi character. Feel free to use IRL in your campaigns as long as I still am given credit for her creation. One-shot. Enjoy. :)

  • Gangrel: Isaiah

    A Mormon boy during the age of Westward Expansion in the United States, finds that all of his family's cows die seemingly drained of all of their blood. The culpret is not what he expects. Quick character sketch. Oneshot.

  • Nosferatu: Barbara

    A character sketch of the background and embrace of Barbara, a Nosferatu neonate. Feel free to use her in campaigns as long as I get credit for her creation. :) One-shot.