

  • Twisted Soul and Broken Grace

    Gadreel doesn't know that Mary Winchester was once certain that angels were watching over her boys. Doesn't know that she murmured it to her sleeping children almost every night before she died. If he did, he'd probably give a bitter little laugh, because he knows he's the only one that can hear Sam, and he's the only one who can do nothing about what he hears.

  • Chasing Shadows Through the Darkness

    Slade nods. "You must be Tommy," he says, glancing at Oliver out of the corner of his eye – another fast, wordless conversation – "I've heard plenty about you over the years." Tommy smiles. (He wishes he believed that.) Season 1 AU

  • Until The Last Falling Star

    Soulmates AU. - "In all honesty, Steve probably should've realized that the whole 'soulmate' thing was a lot more complicated than it ever seemed, even in a normal setting. To be fair though, he never thought he'd actually have to worry about it. Before he was frozen, he'd been unmarked. When he woke up from the ice, he had two marks." - K for now, may change later.

  • Oxygen

    AU - Skye and Coulson get dropped in the ocean in a pod instead of FitzSimmons. - "For a second, he thinks he sees something like hope in her eyes. It's enough to make him think that they might just make it."

  • Shatter

    This is the problem with loving Grant Ward.

  • Blank Disc

    Twelve year old Sam, sixteen year old Dean, John, and Bobby find an unmarked disc in their hotel room while on a hunt. What they find on it reveals their past, their future, and the truth of who they are. In short, I made a Characters Watch The Show fic.

  • It's Okay Sam

    Anyone who didn't know him and who he was before.. Well, they wouldn't know how horribly wrong everything it feels like he's completely alone in the world. How everything fell apart right before him. Like his brother isn't burning in hell for saving him, like he's not in a hell of his own. "I'm fine." He whispers, to himself this time. Another repetition, but it's still not true.