
  • Office Escapades

    It started out as a little escapade in the office, but it grew into something more, something much more than either of them had anticipated.

  • Vengeance vs Justice

    The Arrow stood for justice, but Nyssa did not want justice; she wanted vengeance for Sara's murder. Her retaliation was swift, and Team Arrow could not honestly say they were appalled by her action. Did that make them just as guilty of murder as Nyssa?

  • Imagine

    She was only gone for 2 weeks yet he craved her. He needed release, so he let his memories push him over the edge of ecstasy. Olicity

  • Killer Obsession

    Leave it to a psychotic killer "in love" with the Arrow to be a source of amusement and questions about his sexual orientation and relationship history. But when Felicity poses a chilling connection between the killer's obsession and Sara's murder, stopping Cupid by any means necessary is his only goal. He cannot lose Felicity. He will not lose Felicity.

  • The Price Shinobi Pay

    He was to put her through a pre-examination. It was a mission to see if she could handle the dark reality of ANBU. If the Hokage had only know it would jeopardize everything.

  • Home Invasion

    Never had Felicity thought she would be facing the Arrow at arrow point in her house late on a Friday night. Never had she thought she would make a deal with him quid pro quo. And never had she thought she would be writhing underneath him as he brought them both to the pinnacle of pleasure.

  • Words She Never Said

    "He admitted his feeling for me three times, and I couldn't even say it once! I will never get to tell him I loved him." Felicity crumbled, collapsing to the cold concrete floor under the guilty weight. Nyssa delivered the news; The blood price for Sara's death had been paid. After Oliver's death, Felicity was fading into oblivion and Diggle needed to bring her back.

  • Ship Wars

    Caught between her love for two couples, make that three couples, Felicity tries to explain to Oliver her frustration at the recent events on her favorite T.V. show, Bullet. Oliver doesn't exactly get his wife's emotional attachment to fictional characters, but Felicity is determined to make him feel what she feels. Olicity. A play on episode 3x07 "Draw Back Your Bow".

  • Never Abandoned

    The instant Roy told him he thought he killed Sara, Oliver knew what was going on. He'd wanted to keep Roy safe, but Roy's memories had other plans. The look of distraught and utter betrayal on Roy's face when he left plagued Oliver's conscience. He would not leave Roy to fight the guilt by himself; after all, Oliver had promised to never abandon him.

  • Parental Relations

    She doesn't know why she expected Sasuke to be a viable parent. Maybe it was because he knew so keenly what it was like not to have any parents at all. Maybe it was because Sasuke had always been so goal oriented and restoring the Uchiha clan had been his goal since he was a child. Sakura soon realized restoring the Uchiha clan had nothing to do with him being an actual father.

  • Sinful Seduction

    He shouldn't be this enticed by her. The wedding ring on her finger should discourage his pursuit, but she was calling to him, taunting him to claim her, to make her his and make her forget the man who'd put that ring there. So he would. Even more detouring than the ring on her finger, should be the ring on his.

  • The Protected One

    One peaceful Saturday morning snuggling with his wife turns into a mad dash and a waiting game, but looking at his two favorite girls, Ray Palmer couldn't have been a happier man. One-shot request for Shenna is a Punk Rocker.

  • Enough

    After Oliver realized he didn't want to die in the Foundry."You wanted Laurel enough, you wanted Sara enough, you wanted Helena enough, you wanted McKenna enough, and for the love of all that is holy, you at least wanted Isabel enough to sleep with her; I didn't even get that far." Felicity cried. Oliver weighed his choices but the choice was nonexistent; decision made. Post 3x02

  • Mint Chocolate Chip and a Warm Side

    What better way to grieve the death of a friend, than with mint chocolate chip ice cream and a warm side to cry into. Post 3x02. A one-shot request from jeremycrawford27

  • Self Control and Remorse

    She couldn't stop herself from going to him. This wasn't the first time they entangled in the sheets. Everyone looked at her with pity and sympathy, when they should look at her with judgment and accusation. How could they do this to Wally and continue to? Perhaps because they had neither sense of self control nor significant remorse for their heinous actions. Post Endgame.

  • Rest

    He needed to take a break from all the paperwork. She'd make sure he took a longer break than he had intended.