
  • Just call me the Dread Pirate Roberts

    Because a five year mission wouldn't be any fun without her Space Ninja. And sometimes ridiculous nicknames. Fem!Kirk/Sulu. Sequel to You're like a F'ing Space Ninja.

  • Logically Passionate Intuition

    They were all different... but in a way, they were all the same. How a logical scientist, a passionate doctor and an intuitive leader found their way to each other. McSpirk. Bones/Fem!Kirk/Spock

  • I'll Be Here

    They always seemed to be keeping an eye on each other. FemKirk/Pike

  • Pardon the Engineering Parlance

    This is what happens when you put a crazy engineer and a brilliant command cadet together. Fem!Kirk/Scotty.

  • Have a Little Faith

    The story through the eyes of Harry's older daughter, Faith. OC/Sharp

  • Drinking for Two

    Over a Drink one-shot. Bones/Fem!Kirk

  • All About Time and Place

    Everyone you meet changes your life. Some in small ways and others in bigger ways, its all about time and place. What if Harrison had been on Tarsus Four like his file says? No Khan. Harrison/Fem!Kirk

  • Over a Drink

    Leonard gets talked into going out for a drink but his night ends differently then he thought it would. McCoy/Fem!Kirk

  • I May Throw Up on You (And All the Crazy Shit Bones Says)

    Some of the things that a doctor's son from Georgia says to a hero's daughter from Iowa. Academy fic. Fem!Kirk/Bones with appearances by Uhura, Pike, Gaila and more.

  • You're like a 'F'ing Space Ninja

    It's not a love story... but maybe it is. Sulu/Fem!Kirk

  • What They Made Me

    "...it wasn't her fault that her father was George Kirk. George choose her, Kodos couldn't beat her, and Frank couldn't control her. No matter what they did, or didn't do, she wasn't easily broken..." Fem!Kirk/Pike