Panny Pancake

  • Anything Could Happen

    In the end they're sure of three things: change is inevitable, the future is uncertain, and everything's going to be just fine.

  • Before We Crash

    For Cosima, being stuck with Alison Hendrix for the duration of the apocalypse was a mixed bag. [Cosima/Alison, Post-Apocalyptic, Warnings: referenced drug use, referenced major character death, allusions to body horror]

  • one side will make you grow taller

    There are some views that can only be seen from the top and there are some things you can only realize with distance. Hoshino Yutaka might sometimes overlook the little details, but when he knows what he wants he's not someone who does things by halves. [Post-canon, Peco/Smile]

  • One of Those Days

    There are certain responsibilities that are part and parcel of dating Selphia's acting princess. Forte wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Girls Who Fight

    Natsuo never would have believed in something so whimsical as love at first sight. The sudden, intense urge to wipe the smile off of her opponent's face was probably close enough.

  • the light at the end of the tunnel looks an awful lot like an oncoming

    When it's everything that you wanted and fought for, taking that step, moving on should be easy. But it's not.

  • The More Things Change

    Kazahaya couldn't believe that he'd been excited about working with that guy when the partners had first been announced. Back in the good old days when all he'd known about Himura Rikuo was that he was top of the class and before he'd realized that he was also a smug, self-satisfied, condescending jerk.

  • the waves will break every chain on me

    All the omens point to it being a particularly prosperous year for Iwatobi's relationship with their resident water spirit and with their strong affinity for water magic Nanase Haruka and Matsuoka Rin have long been predicted to be the next Priest and Knight respectively. Of course, the destiny you expect isn't always the destiny you're owed. (Mako/Haru, Rei/Nagisa, Mako&Rin&Haru)

  • Depth Perception

    (Takes place after the events of Thor: TDW) Humanity is amazingly adaptable and society failed to collapse once it had accepted superheroes and alien invasions as a fact of life. Even so, waking up to find a goddess in your head or razor blades where your hands used to be might require some additional adjustments. (Brunnhilde [Valkyrie]/Annabelle Riggs/Ren Kimura - MCU continuity)

  • Love Makes Monsters of Us All

    Jade and Aradia make love and science because a vat of highly corrosive glowing liquid beats out candlelight any day. (Jade/Aradia redom, AU - Part 1 in the Love And Monsters-verse)

  • Stone Cold

    Frankly, it disgusts you to watch Harley play. (Jade/Vriska blackrom, shounen sports rivalry AU)

  • If It Ain't Broke

    In the pursuit of serendipity, Dirk and Karkat hit some road bumps. It would probably help if they actually talked - preferably to each other. (Karkat/Dirk pale)

  • Hereafter

    In the aftermath of everything, two boys find a second chance in each other. (Eridan/Dirk redrom, Post-Sburb/Sgrub)

  • Battle Armoire

    Two ladies of taste (in one sense or another) clash over the particulars of costume design. (Kanaya/Terezi blackrom)

  • Imagine Me & You & Future Me

    Karkat and Dirk start a movie night tradition. (Karkat/Dirk/Karkat ashen)

  • The Call of Adventure

    When world famous adventurer Aradia Megido set out to follow in her idol's footsteps, she didn't expect to meet his granddaughter. (Jade/Aradia redrom, AU)

  • Ebb and Flow

    This arrangement wasn't something that either of you had planned on, but oddly enough it works. (Karkat/Dirk, redrom-blackrom quadrant vacillation)

  • First Contact

    You're five sweeps old when you make the mistake. At seven point four sweeps you're still hoping it might be the best one you ever made. (Dirk/Karkat redrom, AU)

  • Unconventional

    Being a kid who grew up in a place where there were no other people, who was thrust unprepared into godhood and who is really not handling all this interpersonal drama well is hard. It's hard and nobody understands. Except sometimes you meet somebody understands everything. (Jade/Roxy)

  • Hero of Another Story

    It stands to reason that if Jade was a princess she would have been rescued from her tower when the prince fought the beast that guarded it. If she was a witch, she should have died when the tower fell. But here she is, stuck between a literal rock and a hard place with no way of knowing how to earn her happily ever after. At least the company's good. (Jade/Calliope Fairy Tale AU)