
  • Stand Your Ground

    The history between Canada and Ukraine is in the blood of both country's citizens. In the case of both nations, they are overshadowed by their stronger neighbor and are often overlooked. However, when the very heart and soul of one is in danger, the other is willing to go to extreme measures to help, even risk an international crisis to do so.

  • Hardt of a High Elf

    They say it takes a while for one to stop moaning the loss of one. However, one High Elf lady will do whatever it takes to bring back the man she feel in love with over one hundred years ago, even put into motion events that she unintentionally caused.

  • A Headless Tale

    With the supposed scariest holiday nearing on the Halkeginia calendar, Saito obviously has to celebrate it the only way it can be. Only problem is... when you mix horror and magic together, bad things surely follow. For Saito's case, a totally perspective as a partial rip-off of one of the legendary figures of the holiday. Happy Halloween!

  • Behind the Scenes

    The pain of directing just one Agarest War story is a far greater pain when four perverts are together at once, a chicken that wants to both kill you and take out your right eye and many other things that make life a living hell for the writer of these stories.

  • Shift in The Balance

    Duran is an ass, we all know this, but inside he is a person who is willing to help, even if he doesn't show it. In this case with Ryuryu, he doesn't have a choice on the matter.

  • Just Maybe

    Mimel has always loved Sieghart because of all the nice things he does for her. What if she found out what love actually meant and wants to have that love with Sieghart. Will it go smoothly or will a blue haired officer have something to say about this?

  • Lucrellia High

    After receiving a letter from none other then High God Lenion, Leonhardt, along with his four brothers, must now traverse the harsh climate known as Lucrellia High. Now that wouldn't be a problem... until you realize that the school's main male population are gurgs. 50th Agarest War story anniversary. Somewhat AU.

  • An Angel's Guide

    Hatred can't be born without a cause. In Murmina's heart, it burns with the force of a supernova, just waiting to be unleashed at the cause of it. Rex realizes that this hatred will lead to her death but also destroy any chance of him learning how to be a proper Harpuia like his mother. The ultimate question in this problem is, who is the angel and who is the guide? Story Revamp.

  • Her Shining Knight

    With the disappearance of Luana and no one around who was either capable of help or off on their own thing, Leonhardt is stuck having to find his missing friend in the middle of the night. Not the most ideal task for a disgraced noble to be in.

  • Kesakitan Purba

    Sickness is a common place thing in the world of humans, Halkeginia is no different. However, when one's body does not have the required response to dangers invisible to the human eye, things can get deadly. Saito will quickly find out the hard way of why you should not underestimate diseases, even if you have the powers of a god at your disposal.

  • Halkeginia Christmas

    Saito feels that the air is lacking the spirit of Christmas, so instead of just sitting around twiddling his thumbs like any normal person would, he becomes the first ever Halkeginia Santa Claus. However, every Santa Claus needs a Mrs Claus and it comes from a very unlikely person so could be considered the living definition of the season of Winter. How this works, find out...

  • Childhood Memories

    The most important memories we have are the ones we share with others the we hold near and dear to our hearts. Winfield experienced this once with his love but the birth of Thoma will give him a second chance at happiness and will shape the spirit vessel into the man we all know him as today.

  • Family Bonding?

    Eugene tests Leonis and Niel on whether they truly can be call men of this world known as Agarest. The end result is a new religion, someone screaming in pain, a boy crying in the corner, a massage and tea dumping... what kind of test is this man giving?

  • Fortitude of Friendship and Love

    During the second fight between Ladius and Valeria, an event happens that forces Ladius to save Valeria but put himself into a very desperate, and almost bleak, situation. Now with time against him, can he defy the odds and escape unharmed or will he need the help of his greatest opponent is also his best friend?

  • Two against Two Hundred

    Yuri decides that the only challenge left is to face the 200 Man Melee in Nordopolica. Many in his little adventuring group say that he shouldn't but the defiant leader signs up anyway. Knowing that this might be more than he can handle, a certain someone also signs up for the melee as well, Can they do the impossible and complete such a monstrous task when two face two hundred?

  • Zerva, The Melee God?

    This is not a joke, this is the beginning of some of the craziest ideas I have ever heard from someone that has actually worked in an Agarest game. Be prepared for destroying what a character is purpose to be in favor of a completely different play style... How in the hell does this even work for a battlemage! Could be considered a rant in a way.

  • Ancestry

    When an artifact from Saito's world appears in front of the man, he and his friend Siesta accidentally are transported to his homeland of Japan. To Saito, a choice needs to be made. Either abandon Siesta and reunite with his family, or forget his family and help one of his closest friends in surviving the harsh world that the planet Earth has become in Saito's absence...

  • Our Adopted Daughter

    Sieghart is a military officer who is a clueless idiot when it comes to love, Linda is a woman struggling to express her emotions to Sieghart, Mimel is just... Mimel. Let's make a family out of this mess shall we?