
  • I Know You're Never Gonna Let Me Fall

    Post-series. Kalin and Radley are targeted by a twisted cult insisting that they are the reincarnations of two ill-fated friends from the past and that one had to kill the other to appease a great evil. Now the cult is demanding the ritual be repeated in the present day for the same reason.

  • We Could Be the Best Team Of All Time

    Post-series 5Ds. Life has been peaceful in Satisfaction Town with the Eevees Evie, Evan, and Isla. But Isla still has painful secrets from her past, and a new mystery may draw Radley, Kalin, and the others into another adventure in the Pokemon world.

  • I Know You Carry Me

    A ficlet and scene collection, mostly post-series but later may include season 3 era scenes. The ups and downs and progression of a deep and lasting friendship between Kalin Kessler and Radley Ramon. Current segment: Kalin learns Radley has one of the Sacred Beasts.

  • Like a Comet Pulled From Orbit

    Growing up, Daphne hated attending business dinners with her family, until she met a special friend at one who made it worthwhile. Now, seven years after their last such meeting, Daphne learns that he has suffered a cruel fate and drags Mystery Inc. to a small town to find out what fully happened.

  • A Walk in the Black Forest

    Dark Signer and Crash Town AU. Radley was trying to investigate the rumors of Malcolm torturing his miners when he was fatally stabbed by one of the guards. The promise of the power to protect as he died called out to him and he answered, but at what cost?

  • If Only My Heart Had a Home

    Threeshot. Crash Town. Radley really is trying to get help for a badly injured Jordan when he's assaulted and seriously beaten by some of his former Duelists. Kalin doesn't find him until it's too late, leaving him with a devastated and hopeless realization. And Yusei, when he discovers what happened, is faced with the despair of a problem he cannot fix and a heartbroken friend.

  • Sins and Virtues

    Crash Town. Malcolm is never pleasant to deal with, and if he decides he wants to yell at Radley, he'll do it no matter what Radley is currently engaged in doing. Kalin discovers that one night.

  • All I Ever Wanted

    Crash Town AU. Radley is hardly a religious person. Being told by the Crimson Dragon that God wants his services is the last thing he ever expected. All he wants is to free Crash Town from his former friend Malcolm. When fallen vigilante Kalin Kessler shows up, it seems made to order. Radley may find his faith again, and perhaps he and Kalin will also find healing in each other.

  • Visions Are Seldom All They Seem

    Post-series. Visitors to Satisfaction Town are greeted by a spectral Radley, who lingers in town and tries to carry on as best as he can. He and Kalin are both hurting, but there's nothing that can be done ... is there?

  • From the Darkness Into Light

    Post-series, Pendulum Swings verse for YGO Classic. Marik Ishtar decides to visit Satisfaction Town, race the Bunch, and talk with fellow redeemed antagonist Kalin Kessler. For TheLightninginMe.

  • Take Me On A Journey

    Post-series 5Ds. Radley discovers an injured Eevee and he and Kalin take it in. But it's definitely not a stranger, much to their shock. And due to her arrival, the 5Ds boys are thrust into the intriguing, largely hidden world within their world.

  • White Chocolate Raspberry

    Crash Town. Being a leader is never easy. In Crash Town, with a gang war raging, it's even harder. And it doesn't help when some of the people he's trying to protect thinks he's the villain ... or thinks he can be bought. It's such a small price, isn't it? To save them ... isn't it?

  • A Wish for the Night

    For the YGO Rare Pairs Mini Bang. Crash Town. Radley is devastated from the mining accident that has claimed three lives. The last thing he feels like doing is playing nursemaid to Kalin when he stands out in the rain. But perhaps each will learn important truths about the other if Radley tries to help.

  • Where the Lovelight Gleams

    Post-series, follow-up to See What the Time's Done. The rest of Radley's estranged family shows up in Satisfaction Town, along with Yusei and all of Team 5Ds from the City. Of course, Lawton chooses this time to attack. His plan results in unexpected outcomes from many angles, but even when it seems to be over, the ghosts and the scars linger.

  • See What the Time's Done

    Post-series. It's Christmastime and Kalin, Radley, and the Bunch are hoping for a peaceful season. But between the arrival of Radley's estranged mother and a bizarre rash of poison pen letters filling the town, peace may not be immediately forthcoming.

  • Reached for the Wisdom

    Takes place mostly during episode 152. After little to no communication from Kalin's old friends, Jack comes to Satisfaction Town to duel Kalin as part of his self-imposed training regime. That doesn't endear him to Kalin's new friend.

  • All I Want For Christmas

    Post-series. Yusei hasn't had time for Kalin with so much saving the world going on. But now he suddenly has too much time and the prospect of a Christmas alone. He decides to visit Kalin, and Kalin's new friends. Giftfic for XenoEmblemFTW.

  • May Your Days Be Merry and Bright

    Post-Dirge of Cerberus, my Twilight and Dawn verse. The gang is on Earth and celebrating one of their favorite holidays, Christmas. Two blurbs, giftfics for MoonlightTyger and TheLightninginMe.

  • I Need Your Light Again

    Manga verse. Kalin has decided to go soul-searching once the world is at peace again. He ends up in in the industrial hub of Crash Town and immediately encounters a boy begging for his help in saving a friend. But when Kalin goes to help, he finds something he never expected.

  • Digital Footprints

    Pre-season 1. Private-eye hopeful Joe Mannix meets an interesting man named Lew Wickersham. Although they disagree on almost every element of private investigating, they begin to develop a certain respect for each other. And then Lew's mysterious case somehow becomes Joe's...