

  • Firsts

    A one-shot. Sherlock learns an important lesson in being a significant other to the one person who always mattered the most.

  • The Significance of Others

    A one-shot, double prompt-fill. Sherlock is curious over the Watsons' concern of Molly after she had been told about Janine. Through a series of awkward confrontations and unlikely honesty, Molly learns of her significance to Sherlock and how, to him, she is like no other.

  • The Worst That Could Happen

    A one-shot. Sherlock and Molly have been in a little too much contact than they should, what with Molly's impending nuptials. When they meet at the lab over a small work mystery, Sherlock conducts an experiment to explore their feelings. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

  • Everything

    A one-shot. This three-part story follows the path of Sherlock and Molly from their first meeting to the moment he finally realises that she is everything to him.

  • outré

    A one-shot. It is New Year's Eve. Sherlock does the unusual and calls Molly, urgently asking for her. When they do meet, their encounter takes twists and turns neither of them ever imagined would happen. [Rated T for cigarettes and profanity]

  • I Know You Can't Sleep

    A one-shot. Sherlock visits Molly at a difficult time, resulting in an unexpected reunion for them both.

  • Unravel

    A one-shot, prompt-fill. Molly finds herself in a fix as she readies herself to a be a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding. Sherlock makes a slip of the tongue that provokes his wife, causing her to take revenge that very evening.

  • Stay The Night

    A one-shot. Sherlock receives some unexpected assistance from Molly on a case in New York, eventually making an unexpected invitation to her.

  • Shields

    A one-shot, prompt-fill. Sherlock enlists the help of Molly to help with a little roadblock when it comes to minding little Sophie Watson. However, it is the little girl who truly helps the detective instead, giving him a very important epiphany.

  • Consent

    A (short) one-shot. Sherlock is persuaded to personally invite Molly to the Baker Street Christmas party, an invitation she had previously declined. This time, he gives her a reason as to why he hopes she will finally consent.

  • Secrets & Rhythms

    A one-shot, prompt fill. Not many deserve second chances, much less get them. When Molly meets with an intriguing new love, it drives Sherlock to finally take matters into his own hands. It was too late once. Now, he has to go back to stay ahead. (John Harrison references, but this is still Sherlock/Molly)

  • Priority Ultra

    A one-shot, prompt fill. Molly heads for a night out with Mary while Sherlock is left at home with his teenage daughter. An unusual crisis occurs, leaving Sherlock a little at a loss and the daughter realising how dramatic her father can really get.

  • Revelations

    A one-shot. Sherlock and Molly have become increasingly close, leading Sherlock to an important revelation.

  • Crimson Letters

    A drabble. Sherlock is too late and his enemy wins, burning the heart right out of him. [Implied violence]

  • Rooftop

    A drabble. It was their secret place. Even when it was no longer secret, it was always the place they returned to.

  • Blood On The Pavement

    A one-shot. Without a doubt, Molly had been Sherlock's saviour. Everyone else knew he was dead but she knew otherwise because she had made it otherwise. Yet, the fear and horror of that fateful day and the possibility of losing the one who mattered to her, was too much for her to bear.

  • Influenza

    A one-shot inspired by an adorable piece of Sherlolly artwork. When Molly and Sherlock finally tie the knot, Molly quite literally uncovers the reason behind a question she had harboured for years.

  • Bad Days

    A one-shot. Sherlock and Molly realise bad days are to be spent with each other. They are all they have.

  • The Blue Moon

    A one-shot, prompt-fill. After their little reunion upon Sherlock's return from the 'dead', Molly and Sherlock attempt to dance around the truth that threatens to escape from both their hearts.

  • The Saviour

    A one-shot sequel to The Speech. After the success of taking down the Moriarty trio once and for all, Sherlock is faced with a life without Molly, only to discover life otherwise.