

  • Control

    A one-shot (with no happy ending). Sherlock never forgot the first time Molly taught him to control the pain. Yet, the very voice that saved him, also taught him the greatest pain to ever exist.

  • Happiness

    A one-shot. Sherlock escapes what he believes are the doldrums of Christmas, causing everyone to worry about his persistent state of unhappiness. However, he receives a very unexpected Christmas greeting and with it, the possibility of happiness.

  • Mine

    A one-shot. Sherlock has been practicing to meet someone very new and very special.

  • Horrible Things

    A one-shot. Sherlock is troubled after the infamous Christmas party at 221B and goes in search of Molly. [Implied suggestive themes]

  • A Stroke of Colour

    A one-shot. My first foray into the world of Twelve and Clara sees an alternate ending to Death In Heaven, where, instead of parting, they make different plans.

  • The C Word

    A one-shot, prompt-fill. Sherlock and Molly have been solving cases together for a long time now but one thing still baffles the world's greatest consulting detective.

  • Pre-emptive Measures

    A one-shot. Molly's hopes for a normal married life with their new daughter is proving to be a little impossible, what with a rather overprotective Mycroft Holmes in the role of Uncle.

  • The Experiment

    A (Valentine's Day) one-shot. A new case presents itself and Sherlock looks set to tackle it solo. Molly's sudden appearance at his flat says otherwise.

  • Human Error

    A (very haphazard and ?) one-shot. Sherlock confesses an error to Molly, realising the real mistake of his actions and vowing never to make it again.

  • Tea

    A [silly and random] one-shot. Molly gets interviewed by a magazine and Sherlock is not too pleased with a few of her answers.

  • Requests

    A one-shot. Sherlock hits a rough patch from a case gone awry. The people closest to him step in to help him, sending requests for the only help he needs.

  • Confidante

    A one-shot. Sherlock lets slip another hidden talent, revealing a truth that had never been a difficult one to deduce.

  • Farewells

    A one-shot. Mycroft returns after a long and difficult day to a familiar comfort he is not ready to say goodbye to.

  • A Vulnerable Monster

    A one-shot. Molly has always been Sherlock's saviour. And she has never been afraid of monsters.

  • Drifting

    A one-shot. The detective struggles with the post-Reichenbach afterlife, but finds himself drifting to the safety that is Molly Hooper.

  • A Time And Place

    A one-shot. Sherlock invites Molly to Baker Street where she soon learns that there is a time and place for everything.

  • Vigilance

    A one-shot. Sherlock comes face to face with an old enemy. Little does he know, he won't have to face him alone. [Rated T for violence.]

  • Pleasures

    A (very random) one-shot. Mycroft Holmes does the unusual, taking a moment to rest, and to enjoy certain little pleasures.

  • Questions

    :: CONTAINS SERIES 3 SPOILERS :: A one-shot. In a moment of vulnerability, Sherlock asks Molly a question she'd never expected him to ask. It was too late to ask anyway.

  • Trick or Treat

    A one-shot. Sherlock is a little upset at the outcome of certain events and reaches out to Molly for a little consolation and perhaps, a little treat. [Rated T for suggestive themes.]