

  • Everlasting Arms

    How has Kate dealt with life since her one and done was taken away from her? Not well. But, one little phone call could change her life. (One-shot centered around 7x01) *COMPLETE*

  • Last Goodbyes

    What if Castle had been in the building with Ryan instead of Esposito in Under Fire? Would they make it out alive? How would Beckett handle herself knowing that her fiancé could be dead inside a burning building? AU fic for 6x11. *COMPLETE*

  • Weddings and Love and Happiness, Oh My!

    One-Shot set right before all the angst at the end of 6x23 (For Better or For Worse). This is just pure, fluffy happiness, because we all need it after what Marlowe put us through, right? *COMPLETE*

  • Losses and Gains

    How will Castle cope when Kate is diagnosed with a terminal disease? How will he spend his last moments with her? AU. *COMPLETE*