
  • Cold Steak

    Fiction prompted by Critical Fumble's daily question: Nochlev ponders his favorite foods while other people try to make sure he doesn't get the chance. No canon NPCs.

  • Eight Weeks

    Eight random word prompts; each prompt takes place in one of first eight weeks after Tyrion joins the Ravagers. teen!Peter and teen!Tyrion, pre-GotG and pre-GoT. Rating may change once the other prompts are written.

  • Crash Landing

    Peter crashes on a primitive planet and finds more than just a new ally. Mixture of TV GoT and the books, I only know the GotG movies. Pre-GotG and pre-GoT (both characters are in their teens). M for discussions of awfulness and because Peter curses a lot.

  • The Song of the Day

    Short fic prompted by one of Critical Fumble's daily prompts: your character's favorite music. Nochlev really isn't into music but there is one song he can't resist. No canon NPCs, rated T for mild violence.

  • Redemption

    Loki is imprisoned on Earth and one of the Avengers is not a good guy. Set after Winter Soldier and contains spoilers for that movie, as well as for Agents of SHIELD. This started as a test to see if I could bring these three together and I think it works. Review if you agree. - M for violence, dark themes, and M/M/F relationship.

  • A Scarring Story

    Short story about two of my GW2 characters. Lord Nochlev tells a young charr a story about a scar. No canon NPCs. Rated T for language.