Ivy Kendall

  • Loose Ends

    Tag for 3.06. This was from a question on a fan forum, that became a prompt. Since no one else told Joanna Cass the truth about Alice, Sharon and Amy delivered the news.

  • Bumps & Buffers

    One-shot tag to 3.06 Friendship is a great place to start

  • The Art of Irony

    Sharon's reflection about divorce. (Inspired by tumbler comment from yetanotherramblingfangirl.)

  • Amends

    Fixing something that needed fixing. (Tag to 3.04)

  • AA

    Andy knows the whole story, and now it's his turn to deal with Jack. (tag for 3x17, Internal Affairs)

  • Being Ridiculous

    Sharon is confused about how to proceed with Andy. Advise comes from an unlikely source. (A gift for sira01, in the 3rd Annual LJ Gift exchange, Xmas 2014.)

  • It's the little things

    Drabble - Andy's thoughts about retiring and what he would have to give up

  • What are we doing?

    Tag to 3x13, Sharon can't sleep due to all the thoughts running through her mind. Only one person can help her sort it out.

  • A Kiss

    Each time it happened, it was the most natural thing in the world.

  • Something in Blue

    Vignettes capturing the wardrobe choices of our favourite police paring. (Loosely inspired by the song "Something in Red")

  • Duets Three

    A series of conversations after the cameras stopped rolling. Revisiting the third season during the hiatus.

  • Ever-So-Lonely Heart

    I had to do something with that phrase from Sharon, during "Sweet Revenge" (3.09). Here's a one-shot piece of fluff on the matter.

  • Adjustments

    This story has been germinating since I saw the promos for Sweet Revenge (3.09). This will be completely AU by 9PM tonight, but until then, I give you a version of what might happen after Sharon began her smack-down of Ricky.

  • More Options

    Tag to 3.07. You all know how I hate loose ends. This cleans up a few for the commanding teams of Major Crimes and Special Operations Bureau. The stories behind the questions, as they share an evening drink by the beach. One shot.

  • Could this day get worse?

    I blame this story completely on lisaki2004, on the TNT board. Without their egging me on and dropping phrases to entice me, none of this would have happened. Aside from that bit of humour, this story has taken on a life of it's own, as Sharon deals with unfinished business from her not-so-distant past. As always, her trusty Lieutenant is there to make it all better.

  • Dad, Daddy, Father

    Two friends meet on the beach, and they discuss what is and what could have been.

  • The Captain and Grumpy Judge

    A one-shot inspired by the obvious familiarity between Sharon and Judge Grove (affectionally referred to as Grumpy Judge).

  • So Close

    Sharon struggles through a case, desperate for one moment of completion.

  • A Day for Mothers

    Sharon gets two surprises to help her celebrate Mother's Day.

  • Collecta

    Meaning: Latin, the gathering of people into one group (or more specifically, the gathering of the squad's thoughts into one voice). A birthday present for Isolith