

  • Gamer Potter: A Fighting Chance

    Lily's not satisfied with Dumbledore's shield of love, she instead finds a better alternative, one that can warp reality itself. She wasn't the only one to contribute. GamerFic! Some Manipulative!Dumbledore bashing. Enjoy.

  • Gamer Potter: A Fighting Chance LEGACY VERSION

    Old version of original posting before the Rewrite of 2022. Do not follow. Nothing new has changed and this will be 'Completed', updated as needed for various chapters as they come. Cheers.

  • A Fighting Chance: Chakra Edition

    Lily is not satisfied with Albus' plan, and comes up with another better plan. A glitch in the system changes the future forever! With Chakra and Magic, Harry will be powerful! Spinoff of Gamer Potter: A Fighting Chance, original Omake in Scattering Plots.

  • Gamer Potter: The Scattering Plots

    Short stories, omakes, random ideas for the Gamer Potter series I have going. Many crossovers, most individual stories of their own. The writing will be bad and lazy, I do not apologize, you have been warned. I do not own anything recognized here, they belong to their respective owners. Enjoy

  • Something to pass the time

    Oneshots and tangets that don't make the cut or will eventually. got an idea? post it.

  • Harry Potter and a Fate Refined

    Ok, Time travel fic. Soul bonds/mates. HPGW at beginning as well as RLNT later. open to suggestions. temporary ManipulativeDumbledorebashing, and i suck at summeries. Oh, this is the prologue before year one at hogwarts. Five chapters only, 3/5