
  • Beso

    Inner Moka X Tsukune. Moka trying to cope with the new struggles of always being 'awake'. Tsukune offers his support and eventually his lips.

  • Not Forever, but Enough

    AU of sorts. Major spoilers if you're not caught in the manga! Akasha and Tsukune talking about where to go from where they are now.

  • The Duke

    Rated T for suggestive themes. At the age of twenty-one, three years into their relationship, one would expect that something like petty jealousy wouldn't be in the picture, but there it was creeping in on Moka and Tsukune. Special thanks to Pammy320.

  • Getting Caught in the Rain of Emotions

    On her special visit, Kurumu and Tsukune will feel sparks fly. Although, not the way Kurumu had planned.

  • Pride, Experience, Reason, and the Heart

    LizXKid if you squint. Drabbles of Liz slowly coming to accept the idiot son of Death.

  • A New Found Admiration

    High school AU. Gajeel was never the best with his words, but it didn't seem to matter because she understood him just fine in complete silence.

  • What's meant to happen, will

    AU. Life always takes unexpected turns, but fate is always there to put people in reverse and take them where they really need to be. Pairings: Moka X Tsukune, KurumuXTsukune, MizoreXTsukune. Beta Reader:GodPen

  • If there was a choice, it'd still be you that I want

    One-shots, AUs, and fluff for the pairing of Tsukune and Kurumu. /Apparently, it was Valentine's day. Not that Tsukune would admit that he had forgotten, or admit to the fact that he had left in such a sour mood that he hadn't even noticed the decorations plastered on every building.