
  • Digimon Adventure Zero Two: The Alternate Adventure

    Set in 02. The original group of Chosen Children was not in good terms since their last adventure since the loss of one of them. Daisuke struggled to find himself while holding the team together as the threat on the Digital World is imminent and eventually find out what could become of the Chosen Child who lost his life in the Digital World.

  • A Black Dog's Gratitute

    One shot: set after The Missing King. Kuroh was unpacking his stuff in his & Neko base. He came across a forgotten letter & was reminded a vague encounter with a guy who took care of him over a night when he caught a cold. He decided that he had to thank him & decided to look for him. The only clue was only his facial feature. Spoiler for "Memories of Red" & "The Stray Dog".

  • Digimon Adventure 02: The Alternate Destiny - Another End

    Taichi is never a Chosen Child in the first place. It isn't the time. In exchange, Taichi's best friend became Agumon's partner. The fated time comes when that friend was saved from a certain fate by a time manipulating Digimon informing him that Taichi will take everything from him including his friends and his identity as a Chosen Child. He is not going to let that happen.

  • Each and Every Bonds

    Sequel to "The Fool's Pursuit". It was a year after the incident which killed Yata Misaki, Munakata had been wondering about the purpose of all these battles against the other Kings. Kuroh, Neko found Shiro with a new member whose connection endangers Shiro. Fushimi was working to thwart JUNGLE to avenge Misaki chanced upon a bait which spark new battles among the remaining Kings.

  • The Fool's Pursuit

    Insulting one another, trying to get one another's attention to themselves. Yata had attempted to make up to Fushimi who wasn't willing to the extent of hurting Yata's feeling. Yata encountered an old friend who resented Yata for taking Fushimi's attention away. The end justified the mean and Fushimi would regret the day he rejected Yata. An unrequited SaruMi story.

  • K: The Lost Colours

    "Ne... Kuro, Lieutenant had mentioned that the country will be destroyed by the war between the Clans. The power I had been searching had been causing people endless sadness." The Seven Kings will meet. The First King had foreseen this & he will not run away again. Meeting with the new Colourless King strengthened his resolve. Set after "The Missing King". - COMPLETE

  • A Brief Encounter

    Set after "The Missing King", Kuroh was reminiscing on the person who had taken care of over a night when he caught a cold. He thought he saw him at a certain beach when he headed there for stargazing. He hope he had a chance to meet him again. He appeared briefly but he is not what Kuroh think he is. Spoiler for "Memories of Red" & "The Stray Dog"

  • Digimon Adventure Zero Two: The Alternate Destiny

    A decision made from the far past determined the far future of the Chosen Children and their interconnecting fate. Ken, Ryo and Wallace stranded in the Past Dimension and the team of the under-powered Chosen Children of 02 Dimension struggling against the enemies are about to find out. And what about Taichi who attempted to escape from his fate from his own dimension?

  • Digimon Adventure 02: The Alternate Destiny - Before End

    Part 2: Yagami Yuuko noticed the presence of a certain white kitty in her daughter's room. She is just pretending not to know her children's involvement with Digimon. Her children doesn't trust her like their friends, Koushirou & Sora trust their parents with the secret. Taichi tries to cover up. However, his fear did not escape her eyes. If only she can keep him from harm.

  • Broad Shoulder and Small Hand

    One-shot. Set right after the last episode of Digimon Adventure. He felt that he would be weak if he rely on others so he pretended to be tough by shouldering everything on his own including his own pain. It was only when he collapsed from his injuries he had hidden from the others, he finally understand how wrong he is. A translated/remixed fic.