Peaceful Daydreamer

  • The Change in the Tides

    When Loki's child is kidnapped and taken to Earth by a new enemy, something goes wrong. She escapes her captor, but that doesn't mean he's not still after her. To stop him, SHIELD is forming another team since the avengers have gotten a little old. What happens when Clarisse, a regular girl, gets caught in the middle? Next Generation Story. All OCs are from my previous story.

  • RotBTD: Divided and United

    Pitch Black knows five children that have very powerful hopes and dreams. More powerful than himself. He knows that these children could stop him. He plans to ruin their dreams while they are still young. What he doesn't know is that, no matter how hard he tries, their dreams won't fade. Even if their homes go to war, or if their friendships are broken. Their dreams remain.

  • RotBTD and Frozen Beach AU

    Two sisters, Anna and Elsa, go to the beach. When they arrive the meet four interesting teenagers. Each one has a meaningful tattoo on their back. Simple one-shot. Very minor Jelsa, almost non-existent.

  • Next Generation: Create an Avenger

    Just what the title says. OC's wanted for my future story. Please read, I'll take this down once I have all the OC's. I give credit to all authors who create an OC. Also, I'm open to ideas for my future story. Thanks!