
  • The Guilt of the Doctor: Nine Immediately After Regeneration

    My version of what happened to the Ninth Doctor after he regenerated from the War Doctor and how he dealt with the destruction of Gallifrey. Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and a Special Guest Appearance from Billie Piper as The Moment. Slightly inspired by 'Confessional' by Son of Whitebeard. Thank you for your inspiration!

  • The Day of an American Tragedy: A Doctor Who Adventure

    The TARDIS lands on the day of 9/11, the saddest day in American history! Rose demands to stay, but the Doctor wants to leave. Will the Doctor stop 9/11, changing time forever? Or will he let thousands of people die in his name? The Doctor portrayed by David Tennant and Rose portrayed by Billie Piper. Rated T for mature content (event itself).

  • The Doctors and River

    River meets 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9 with companions. Starring William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, Alex Kingston as River Song, Carole Anne Ford as Susan, Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon, Wendy Padbury as Zoe Heriot, Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown, Sophie Aldred as Ace and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler.

  • The Doctors' Victory

    Companions are disappearing. The three Doctors (Nine, Ten and Eleven) must track the signals coming from each and every one of their companions in order to save them from their notorious captors. There is only one thing: one companion will fall. Who will it be? Will the Doctor's save their companions? The Doctors played by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith.