Sonea killed the Ichani, but Lord Jolen wasn't killed. How things develop when the Guild never finds out about Akkarin and Sonea, who continue to hunt down the Sachakans that threaten Imardin – all on their own. As their mutual trust grows, deeper feelings evolve, which they both suppress with all their power. Akkarin / Sonea
Oneshot. Nachdem Sonea die Ichani tötet, ist alles anders. Keine Entdeckung durch die Gilde, dafür Alpträume und Anziehung. Plötzlich hat das Übertragen von Magie eine seltsam berauschende Wirkung auf Sonea. Immer mehr fühlt sie sich zum Hohen Lord hingezogen. Wohin führt ihre Hingabe? Warnung: Smut!
Starts off in book three. Lupin is a good werewolf, takes his potion and stays away. Snape also doesn't show up. Sirius stands alone against Pettigrew and three teenagers, one of which very much wants to kill him. Sirius is more than willing to allow this – but on his own terms. And first he has to kill a certain rat… Sirius B., Harry P. Some violence and angst. Rated M for safety.