
  • The Other Battle

    Just a moment ago he was standing in the courtyard at Hogwarts, but within a few seconds he was swept away into a cruel world where The Hunger Games takes place. Join Harry Potter and his friend (I won't say who, you will have to read the story to find out) on his adventure through the 74th annual Hunger Games, where he battles familiar characters of Suzanne Collins' creation.

  • More Than Just A Ghost

    About a month in to her third year at Hogwarts, a girl named Piper Shay meets a mysterious ghost. As time goes by, Piper becomes friends with Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who haunts the girls bathroom. There's always more beneath the surface, and soon Piper discovers the shocking truth about Myrtle's curse, and maybe, just maybe, she knows how to set her free.

  • Not Quite Alone

    There's more to the story than a man in a closet. After Lombard and Blore die Vera suspects she's alone. Not quite. Shocking truth is revealed as more drama and hidden passages are found. There are more secrets to Indian Island than there were thought to be. No one knew it. No one would have suspected it. You thought you knew who the murderer was? You were wrong.