

  • Entrapment

    Gilderoy Lockhart is looking for an assistant for his duelling club. This story is my take on how Snape got roped in

  • The Challenge

    Lily and Snape are best friends and a formidable partnership in Potions. Severus gives Lily a challenge she can't resist. A one shot. Revised. Sequel shortly.

  • A little bit of the green

    How does Severus Snape celebrate St Patrick's Day? One-shot silliness.

  • Death Eating Karaoke

    Sequel to Voldemorts Plan but can be read independantly. Voldemort has declared that his Death Eaters partake in karaoke including a reluctant Snape. Can Snape escape this terrible fate or will he *shudder* have to sing?

  • The End of the World

    What if Voldemort succeeded that Halloween and there was no Chosen One. What would the wizarding world be like without Harry? How do you defeat Voldemort when he is growing ever powerful and has seemingly adverted a prophecy? Warnings character death

  • Insane Angel in Mad World

    Setting: AU Season 7 - Cass has taken Sam's place in the mental hospital and Meg's playing nurse. NOTES: Please be kind - I never wrote Meg before or much Castiel either. This is quite dark even though there are lighter moments even with the prompt in question.

  • Sisterly Advice

    Written for the sb fag-ends community on livejournal little ficlet with some sisterly advice and horoscopes.

  • Her pet needs a lover

    Matching making Illyria style. Spike is moping and Illyria is sick of it. There's only person that will get Spike out of this funk.

  • The Moth and the Fame

    A Spuffy drabble inspired by comlodge's "The Candle".

  • What if I was sorted in Slytherin?

    A little one shot featuring Albus Severus Potter.

  • A Light in the Darkest of Times

    Written for the Silverdoefest community on Livejournal. Severus always hated Christmas but there was one red haired girl that made him smile once upon a time.

  • Harry's Protectors

    Have you ever wondered what happened during the mysterious 24 hours after the deaths of the Potters?

  • The Forfeit

    You win some. You lose some. Sometimes you have a really good day. SEQUEL TO STORY "The Challenge

  • Talking Heads

    When Neville Longbottom is appointed Headmaster at Hogwarts, there are several former Headmasters/mistresses that have an opinion. Small little one shot.

  • One makes one's own luck

    Severus Snape has won the Felix Felicis Potion as a prize in Potions class. Snape has not quite decided yet but it seems that his sworn enemy Potter has some interesting ideas. Sometimes things don't turn out as planned.

  • Just Us

    Severus and Lily are best friends and every summer is special because it is just them.

  • A visit to Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes

    Snape enjoys a prank almost as much as a a Weasley.

  • The Return

    Snape has to return to the Death Eaters. OOTP timeline with spoilers galore for all the books.

  • Voldemort's plan

    Voldemort has assigned Snape a task which results in hiliarious consequences. Voldemorts plan does not go according to plan much to Snape's amusement. Deathly Hallows spoilers