

  • Daughter of Fire

    Sakura got up and didn't bother brushing the dirt from her dress. She had a feeling she was about to get even dirtier. She looked at the memorial stone one last time and memorised the characters. It would serve from that moment on as a reminder of her determination. She wouldn't let Naruto and Sasuke join the names carved on that stone. That was her nindo. Sakura-centric fix-it.

  • Dungeon Five

    At first, Draco had thought that tutoring was not exactly a great idea—he wouldn't go that far—but maybe a not so bad one. He had been wrong. It was bad and it did hurt. It was worse than he could have possibly imagined because the old cod had given him Ginny Weasley as a student. Drinny Hogwarts-Era AU.

  • The Silver Rules

    Two Potters, a Weasley and a Malfoy. Yes you read it right, a Malfoy. An unexpected friendship caused by what some may call destiny is what keeps them together. This is a story about how they came to be and how they coped through their years at Hogwarts. In seven years a lot can happen when you have four teenagers, a map, an invisibility cloak and mischief to give and take T/M

  • Tudo Começou Com Uma Festa de Despedida

    Tudo começou com uma festa de despedida da Sonserina para comemorar o término das aulas e a chegada das férias de verão. Era uma noite em que Ginny podia beber o quanto quisesse e ficar com quem quisesse, pois tudo logo seria esquecido nos meses de recesso. Tudo certamente tinha sido esquecido pelos outros alunos, mas Ginny não conseguiu esquecer dele.

  • That Summer

    Sometimes life gives you exactly what you need when you least expect it. Lily Potter knew that even though nothing would come of it, that summer was precisely what she didn't know she needed but so desperately did.

  • Midnight Pancakes

    Lily Potter was on a mission. A mission on pleasure and, like all the women in her family, she always got what she wanted. One-Shot.

  • Of Snakes and Lions

    Scorpius Malfoy decided he was a dead man the moment he made a deal with Lily Potter. He thought he was stupid to have missed the glint in her eyes before he made her an offer but, again, he was too focused on the way each breath she took made her chest get up and down in a most tempting way. Now there was no turning back, and he was quite sure he didn't mind it.