
  • The Fine Line

    (Sequel to Kidnapped.) Ponyboy's recovery takes a turn for the worse when the lines of reality and nightmares begin to blur. Darry and Sodapop must help him before he completely loses all sense of reality, but how can you save someone from themselves?

  • What Family is For

    Missing scene in 4.19 (episode 'Jump the Shark'). The story of what happened after Dean got Sam untied from the table and had to deal with the terrifying amount of blood he'd lost. One-shot.

  • Where I Go

    Dean always hoped it would be something normal that killed Sam in the end, but not this. Never this. (Set in early season 2. One-shot.)

  • Finding Harry Potter

    "Dear Sirius, everyone is always saying that I can write them if I'm in trouble. Well…I'm in trouble." The search for Harry Potter begins. (Warning: This story contains a lot of abuse and is rated for such. Please don't read if abuse stories bother you.)

  • Hello From Hell

    Uncle Vernon has decided to make Harry's miserable life a bit more miserable. After Cedric's death, Harry wasn't sure it could get much worse. He was wrong. How long will it take Sirius to make someone believe something isn't right and rescue him? *Warnings: Mild child abuse and slightly OC and sarcastic Harry*

  • Infinite Space

    One-shot. Stiles can't sleep. In the midst of a panic attack, he winds up at the last place he ever thought he'd go looking for help: Derek's loft. (Set after season 3 finale. Spoilers.)

  • Come Together

    "A Soc comes up behind Ponyboy, who is still floating in the high of taking someone out. He's got a blade in his hand and in a swift motion, he wraps his arm around Ponyboy and the blade sinks deep into his chest. 'PONYBOY' I shout. "