Lyle Rose

  • Potions: Into the woods

    Harry and Ginny moved into a small wizarding village long ago, now they're getting new neighbours. A year later, A lot of things are changing which Ginny doesn't like very much. Ship is about to go down. Slash. HP/DM.

  • House and Mountain

    Green curses the mornings when Red leaves again. Red/Green pairing, Snorlax VS Berries. Two Shot.

  • ENG, Good and Bad

    12 GW**M** GT* SX* HG/DM ..How do you tell someone that he was in a magic-coma for two months. That the war was fought without him.

  • Good and Bad

    DM/HG Bomdrop snelplot. -liefelijk- stukje uit de Oorlog.