The Kapok Kid

  • Strike First Strike 100

    A collection of entries for the All Valley 100 drabble challenge.

  • Water Canvas

    Lines between old cases and new ones, old friends and new ones, the past and the present, are not always precisely drawn.

  • The untold want by land and life ne'er granted

    Ten glimpses into the life and loves of Endeavour Morse. Each a 100 words. COMPLETE.

  • Esto Perpetua

    It is the year 1976, and the wizarding world is poised on the brink of war. The Marauders and Regulus stand on the threshold of adulthood. There are choices to make, paths to traverse, and magic deeper than any they have ever encountered before. This is the story of five boys whom the war made men.

  • Each A Glimpse

    Short fic and drabble collection. Various characters, pairings, and themes. COMPLETE.

  • Endless Night

    It is Christmas of the year 1977, and Sirius Black is teetering on the edge of madness. When one careless deed brings his world crashing down around him, with far-reaching consequences, Regulus Black has to step in and help his brother piece together the fragments of his life – if he can stop himself from being sucked into the terrifying vortex alongside Sirius.

  • Absent In The Spring

    Do you remember that first spring? The first, the very first. Three years have since passed (but we measure not with the measures of time, but with the unending measures of love). Sirius Black / Marlene McKinnon. COMPLETE.

  • Green-Eyed Winter

    Lily is vibrancy in winter, sparkling emerald and crowned in flames. But James has a monster in his chest. COMPLETE.

  • A Draught Of Sunshine

    A collection of Harry Potter poems for reminiscent-afterthought's The Poetry of Flashy Colours competition. Currently: James/Lily: "You are my conscience, guide and warrior-queen, The staff of grace and goodness on which I lean." COMPLETE.

  • First Kiss

    Twenty one years old, and never been kissed. It's not something Parvati Patil likes to think about. But then, Dean Thomas came along. Parvati Patil / Dean Thomas. COMPLETE.

  • I Beneath A Rougher Sea

    It is the stars and the moon and the seas and the storms. It is ordained, this source of continuity, of comfort. It is the order of the world. Regulus believed in order, once. Stars came first, of course, and he loved them best. Still loves them best, if he is honest with himself.

  • Epiphany

    Epiphany; a revelation. An illumination, a discovery, a realisation. Regulus Black. COMPLETE.

  • The Best Treasures Are Found In Henley

    The Kapok Kid gives Johnny Nicholls a name and address in South East England before he dies. After the Kid's death, Johnny goes to Henley. What will he find there? Takes place during WW II. No knowledge of the original novel is needed to understand this story. COMPLETE.