Winged Seer Wolf

  • Reading Assassin's Creed: Transcendence

    Enough is enough when the Fates gather the twelve Olympians to read and watch the life of an alternate Percy Jackson who is cast through time and incarnated as an Assassin. But can the Olympians see the truth of themselves in this alternate world and change the fate of their own reality? Only time will tell.

  • Legatum Cordis Obscurae

    A lost love, a lost son. Such a tragedy can make people do crazy things. But what if it was all a lie that someone had orchestrated to make a woman turn evil? What if they were still alive yet have no idea that the others exist? Yet the pull of one's heart cannot be denied and thus they journey to find one another. But the road is full of twists and turns at every corner.

  • Legendarius Custos

    Harry Potter has been missing and presumed dead for fourteen years when Hogwarts decides to host a deadly tournament. Harry Potter's name is called and suddenly a portal opens in the Great Hall. Is this man truly Harry Potter and just what are these strange creatures that he's able to call forth?

  • Custos Aeternus

    In a confrontation with Voldemort, Harry Potter has done the unthinkable and through this single act has become something...more; Something unheard of...for Harry Potter has become a being of such power that the magical world is nothing but his playthings, to do with as he pleases. But what else is he supposed to do with his power, but turn Earth on its axis.

  • Harry Potter and the Charmed Destiny

    An elder seeking power made a massive mistake: He messed with the cosmic balance and thus changed the destiny of a child not meant to have the power he does and in so doing caused one foretold destiny to go up in smoke and another to take its place. Will this new path help two very different worlds or will they each fall into darkness?

  • Tutela Leonis Aeterna

    The night of Samhain brings nothing but Darkness. But when the Goblet of Fire gives four names instead of three, the night of Samhain sees Light brought back into the world as strange man is called ready to face anything and everyone to save what is truly his to protect. For he is the eternal lion, sworn to be Magic's judge against the Enemy of Magic!

  • Tutela Leonis Aeterna

    The night of Samhain brings nothing but Darkness. But when the Goblet of Fire gives four names instead of three, the night of Samhain sees Light brought back into the world as strange man is called ready to face anything and everyone to save what is truly his to protect. For he is the eternal lion, sworn to be Magic's judge against the Enemy of Magic!

  • Lupus Caverna

    A secure spot for my fic ideas that come upon me. Contains summaries, Titles and other odds and ends for future ideas. Will contain HP ideas, alongside other fandoms. All fic ideas are slash based. IDEAS ARE MINE! NOT UP FOR ADOPTION OR FOR READERS USE!

  • Filius Vitae et Mortis

    On a hunt for the Lestrange's, Sirius Black has run afoul of a hermaphrodite curse. But to undo this, Sirius must lay with a male. He ends up with something more concerning instead; a child is on the way! How will the prophecy pan when Harry discovers that his fathers are the aspects of Life and Death? Will Harry accept it and grow into his destiny or shy away from it?

  • How To Tickle A Sleeping Dragon

    Harry Potter has been declared dead for a decade after a raging fire destroyed his relatives house. But one Halloween night, a mystical goblet inexplicably chooses the name of a dead person to compete in a dangerous tournament. When the day arrives for the first task, the skies darken and a dragon roars. It descends, shocking the world as it shifts into a lightning struck teen.

  • I Want It All And More

    The Chamber of Secrets fiasco has changed Harry's view of the magical world for the worse. His magic, born of light but descended from darkness and unleashed by an immortal has made Harry utterly ravenous for the one who tore his world apart. So how will Britain survive this dark Harry?

  • The Wolf Who Lived

    Harry Potter, who just turned eleven and learned of his true power has become something more... something wild and untamed and is headed to Hogwarts for his first year. How will Hogwarts react to a savior who is both light and dark?

  • Wolf's Den of Ideas

    A collection of new and old ideas I have come up with. Based off of DZ2's Den of Delights. Updates are forthcoming...soon.

  • Dragon Slayer

    Harry finds out some family secrets and turns the tables upon his enemies. With the power of his families he will lead the wizarding world back into the golden age of the guilds.

  • Katoteros Ascending

    I am not of Potter blood. I was stolen from my family and now that I know this, I will become my true self. I am now and forever Apollimos, the Final Judge and Son of Apostolos and Soteria, and Grandson of Apollymi, Goddess of Destruction and together the Atlantean pantheon shall rise once more and we shall scatter our enemies, be they mortal or immortal to the four winds.

  • The Abhorsen Returns

    A long time as passed since the Abhorsen line has walked the land. The last Abhorsen sealed her artifacts away into the Forbidden Scroll after she sealed away a dark power into herself never to be released until such time that an heir can be found. That time is now. When Naruto Uzumaki steals the Forbidden Scroll he finds his legacy and the world shall shift as the Abhorsen rises

  • Fury of the Golden Shadowhunter

    Harry finds an old ritual book that leads him on a new path, with danger around every corner and an ancient enemy waiting for him to return along with new enemies that seek him even as they betrayed him. Harry is trained as a Shadowhunter to combat both sets of enemies and even finds the one thing he wants most, a family. Jace/Harry slash. Angel Harry!

  • Judgement of the dead

    When Lilly Potter enacts an ancient ritual it sends the future of Harry Potter into another direction and into the arms of a god whose power is uncontested and with this god by his side, can Harry Potter face his destiny head on or will he fall?

  • Prince of Blood

    When one year old harry is dropped at the Dursleys his world is changed forever. He doesnt become what Dumbledore wants. he becomes something no one thought possible. He became a true warrior of the night.