Selina K

  • Penance

    Steve is determined to find Bucky. And some are determined to help him in this. Missing scene from CA:TWS.

  • V is for Victory

    Barnaby/Karina drabble written for Fandom Stocking 2013.

  • To Hold Joy in Your Hands

    How hard could it be to find a present on Christmas Eve?

  • Breaking Down the Walls

    Harry and Pansy discover that a lot can change in just a few days.

  • Soft Like a Dream

    She had seen nothing like this before.

  • Waypoint

    It's too easy to slip into isolation when you're on a ship in the middle of nowhere. Missing scene, set before Ep. 5.

  • The Choices We Make

    One finds allies in the most unexpected places.

  • What I Need

    Interconnected Blackfrost fics. Check each chapter for warnings.

  • The Stronger the Hand

    "If the Second required a demonstration of her skill then Natasha would give it." Natasha/Loki, MCU/Kushiel's Legacy fusion. Warnings for mention of BDSM elements. Written for the MCU AU Fest.

  • I'm No Good

    "You can call me anything you like. You can even call me...Fleur." Bill/Pansy. Unrepentant PWP because I apparently can't write anything else. Warnings for infidelity.

  • Just Use Me

    America wakes up to find himself cuffed to a bed and Belarus waiting patiently for him.

  • Better Than I Know Myself

    Karina's never thought about bringing her Hero persona into the bedroom, until a chance encounter with a fan plants that idea in her mind. Lucky for her, Kotetsu and Barnaby are more than willing to indulge her little fantasy. De-anon from the T & B meme. Kotetsu/Karina/Barnaby

  • Opening Pandora's Box

    "Make it easy for me Parkinson." Pansy's curiosity leads to a less than desired encounter with Harry. Set Post-Hogwarts. Could be DH-compliant if you don't think too hard about it. Rated M for reasons.

  • Is This Real

    Draco catches an emotionally vulnerable Hermione after curfew. Or so he thinks. Set during HBP. Rating is there for a reason.

  • Two Jacks and a Queen

    Rose thinks she finally has the upper hand after winning a card game against Scorpius and Al. Unfortunately for her, Scorpius has no intention of letting her enjoy her victory. Scorpius/Rose/Albus Severus. Rated M for PWP. WARNING: INCEST

  • Playing With Fire

    An errand at Madam Malkin's turns into something else. Harry/Pansy, Draco/Pansy. Rated M for language and smexy times. Thanks to everyone who's been reading and reviewing!

  • Amends

    Ginny makes a number of discoveries during her 6th year at Hogwarts. Will it be too late for her and Draco?

  • HarryPansy Drabbles

    Series of drabbles written for the PPHP LDWS community on LJ. No overall theme, just Harry & Pansy together.

  • A Taste of Ice

    Harry takes an unintended detour at Hogwarts while Horcrux-hunting. Rated M for adult content and language. Bit on the dark side. The original version can be found at my LJ.

  • Right Here Right Now

    After being frustrated on numerous occasions, Harry finally catches up to Pansy far from home. Thanks to everyone who have read and reviewed my fics!