Avespa Strife

  • The Life and Times of a Boy Wizard

    Mark Evans did not like living in Surrey. The ten year olds life seemed to go to the dogs as soon as he was moved to Privet Drive. If he didn't live in Privet Drive he could still pretend his dad was alive and his mom wasn't grieving. He wouldn't have the displeasure to meet Dudley. He wouldn't have meet any long lost cousin by the name of Harry or found out he was a Wizard.

  • What Happens in Egypt

    One-shot done for the Test Your Limits Challenge. Bill comes home to find his wife and sister giggling like school children.

  • Forgotten Brother

    "For all your talk about how important family is, how you would never let anything happen to your brother, you did nothing to save me. I died because of you, I burned because of you. You left me and did nothing. Why should I listen to you, help you? You never helped me. I got out on my own and I owe you nothing." Demon!Adam.

  • For Love

    Entry for Test Your Limit Challenge. Narcissa just wanted to spend Christmas break home, with her sisters. Instead she got a house full of screaming and arguing.

  • These Dreams

    He had thought they won, That everything was over and he could at least attempt to live a normal life. Well, that was wrong. Stiles didn't think he would wake up after the Nogitsune was defeated to be told that none of that had happened. That he had been in a coma for years. No one knew him, all his friends, Scott didn't know him.

  • Look at the Flowers, Lizzie

    "1" She was sleepy, so sleepy now. Lizzie's voice sounded so far away. She reached out blindly, grabbing Lizzie's hand. "2" Her eye's were closing, she wanted to wait. To see Carol and Tyreese. To tell them thank you and to say she loved them but she couldn't keep her eyes open. "3" She closed her eyes, letting out one last breath and then, everything went black.

  • In a Coyote's Eyes

    Malia Tate was nine years old. She was a sister and a daughter. It's a shame Malia didn't think about having to protect her sister from herself. It's a tragedy that Malia Tate would wake up this morning and not know that at the end of the day, she would kill her mother and her sister. One-shot. Will add on if enough requests.