
  • On the Art of Cooking

    1: The moment Asthar saw more in cooking than just making something to eat. Asthar, OC. 2: Therius questions Asthar's love of cooking. Asthar, Therius.

  • In the Morning Light

    Bastian feels particularly poetic in the morning. Bastian/Lucia.

  • Ambiguous Lesson

    "If anything in human life is certain, then it is that you can kill anyone. Especially your friends." Riev, Demon King, Eirika, Ephraim.

  • Reassurance

    Yurick learnt early on that he could rely on no one but himself.

  • The Figurine

    In which Tana winds Cormag around her little finger and there's the prospect of a journey. For theobjection.

  • Step out of Line

    Modern AU. Things change for Mirania when she recruits a new member, an ex-soldier named Asthar, for her environmentalist organisation, "Protect Lazulis". A Slice of Life story about the relationship between the activist and the veteran.

  • Butterfly

    The frog cheers Mercedes up in a bit of an unconventional way.

  • Valkyrie

    A moment of fear during the last fight. Gwendolyn. End game.

  • A Napple Sorbet and Tea

    Troubled after losing what she had considered her home, Gwendolyn visits the Pooka Village for some distraction.

  • New Life

    After the defeat of the Sinistrials, Tia tries to move on with her life. To forget her troubles, she visits Guy and Hilda in Tanbel. She hadn't expected that this visit would change her life this much. Tia/Hilda.

  • Plans

    Dagran seeks distraction before their guarding job in Castle Arganan. (Spoilers if you haven't finished the game)