
  • The Gambler

    "You know what, next time someone asks if I'm down for a Threesome, I'm gonna say no." - A story in two parts, with the second being on the steamy side, ye be warned.

  • The Bunny, the Doctor, and the Closet

    As it turned out, the girl's closet was big enough for the TARDIS, it was the kind of walk in closet that many women and some men dreamed of.

  • One January Morning

    He jumped out of the car in just jeans and a T-shirt as if the cold didn't bother him, and sitting there bundled up against the it, Kitty waited for him to go rummaging for a coat that must have been pulled off not long into the drive.

  • Bitten

    What does it mean to have something inside that only knows want and need? Backpacking across Europe Rogue encounters something of myth and legend that's all too real. Bitten by a wolf having something forced upon her once more, this time she isn't alone and doesn't have to run. Whether it's a curse only time will tell, but she has his promise never leave her side. Rogue/Logan

  • Snow Day

    With a polar vortex freezing much of the country, the kids at Xavier's make the most of it with a day on their favourite hill. But the fun and games come to an end as night falls, heading back late to the school to find they might not be alone out in the woods after all.

  • Tomorrow comes Today

    Post DOFP : It wasn't a second chance Logan was looking for when he went back, it was a choice between living and dying. But a second chance was what it was for all of them, and it's high time he got to making the most of his.

  • Past Sins

    Post DOFP AU: A thief, a spy, and a killer. What do they have in common? They're all after the same necklace, one worth killing for because of the secret it keeps. But some secrets are best taken to the grave, because everyone has their breaking point. Mix in a one night stand and no Plan B, and things get even more complicated than they could ever have imagined.

  • Planet of Outlaws

    "Ain't no thing like me, except me..." Then Starlord came along and called him a raccoon. It didn't translate, no one else in the galaxy he'd met had heard of a raccoon, no one except Peter Quill. So, being the proud being he was, Rocket went to find out just what the hell a raccoon was.

  • Lucky Number Sixteen

    His day started with a tour and ended with a date, it was everything that happened in between that was the story of his life. So just what's Clint supposed to do when he falls for a TA from a School for the Gifted from Upstate New York? Dust off his A Game of course.