
  • Chaos Vs Order

    A prequel of sorts to The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga. Can be read on its own. Discord recounts his exploits as a newly formed being, provides insights into his motivation, and talks about one of the greatest foes he faced while he ruled Equestria over a millennium ago. Cover art used with permission from possim.

  • The SweetieMash Chronicles

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt. Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? W

  • Dan and Pinkie Take a Slice out of Life

    Supplemental slice of life chapters to The Wheel and The Butterfly. A misanthropic man finds himself sharing an apartment with a bubbly, hyperactive girl. A pink pony turned human is doing her best to adjust to a new world. Together they will get through sharing living space without killing each other... probably. Cover art created for this story by Technaro.

  • All That Shimmers

    Sunset Shimmer is having a bad night. She turned into a demon, was forcefully turned back, and now has to deal with all the people she's wronged in the past. As luck would have it, it seems like her demon self isn't done with her, either. Can the power of friendship overcome this maniacal creature, or is Sunset Shimmer doomed to bring death and destruction to everyone she meets?

  • Cleaning up the Mess

    In the wake of Rarity's 'improvement' spree, the Princesses have a discussion about their duties and what it means to be a princess… also they complain a lot… In fact they mostly just complain.

  • Eleven Months

    Eleven months for a baby foal to be born. Eleven months of walking around with some pony growing inside you. Eleven months of waiting. Love Tap and her family are eagerly awaiting a new addition to their family. It should be any day now… Cover art used with permission from RenateThePony

  • Dan Vs Whole Seasons Market

    A new supermarket gets built in Dan's neighborhood. However, things heat up when he finds prices are a bit out of his range.

  • …And that's why Applejack doesn't have a McDonalds Toy

    The ponies show up at McDonalds to sign some paperwork and enjoy some free food, but not everypony is happy about being there.

  • Cease and Desist

    Button Mash receives a letter from Ponyville's city council demanding he immediately stop his attempt at creating a new, fun holiday. His mother will do her best to comfort her young, heartbroken son.

  • It's Not Easy Being Green… and Purple

    It's not easy being the only dragon in a town full of fickle, forgetful ponies. Spike's day is not off to a good start. Twilight is in micromanagement mode and it seems every pony is at least a little crazier than usual today. He'll try to push through like always, but the population of Ponyville isn't going to make it easy for him.

  • Bravest Alicorn

    A time spell gone wrong not only sends Twilight and Spike to the wrong time, but to a new dimension entirely. They'll have to work with this universe's mighty heroes, The Bravest Warriors if they ever want to see Equestria again.


    Applebloom wants to see her parents, the Cutie Mark Crusaders want their cutie marks, so they do the the only logical thing and try to raise the dead. Can these three amateur Necromancers pull it off without bringing back something twisted and wrong or a horde of the undead?