
  • Of Destiny and Desire

    Kelsey walks in on Mr Kadam practicing martial arts. Shameless Kelsey/Kadam. Mature.

  • Imperium

    (Or, in umbris potestas est.) After an archaeological excavation goes devastatingly wrong, Obi-Wan Kenobi is compromised by a dangerous entity. In the midst of the Clone Wars and an already darkening galaxy, he must control the force inside him to save everything he holds dear - or else he'll become the very threat he is fighting.

  • tonight

    Bail Organa, and the first nights he spends with the people he cares for the most at different stages in his life. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Breha Antilles, Padmé Amidala. Three vignettes. Rated M.

  • The Lodger

    In which Obi-Wan has a horrible roommate whom Anakin won't help him get rid of. Shameless, shameless crack.