
  • What Did You Do Today, Pa?

    Ben has one of those days, and then has to face that question.

  • You Can Always Check In

    Adam stops in a little town to get out of a dust storm and finds himself trapped in an eerie mystery.

  • Valentine Romance

    Some suffering Adam in this one. Adam met Meredith when she was a young girl and a friend of Joe's. When he sees her again, she is a beautiful woman with a sad, dark secret. Love, romance, finding out her secret, and dealing with her past make up the rest of the story.

  • Heart of Ice

    A continuation of the Adam and Ellie story with more of an emphasis on Adam's darker memories and what happens when he remembers those. T mostly for violence and language.

  • Lost Years

    A WHI for the last seasons of Bonanza: Hoss is missing, Adam is found and coming home, what happened to them, and what will happen next with them and with Ben, Joe, Candy, and Jamie.