• My Future is in the Past

    Harry's been abused by the Dursley's for as long as he can remember. After nearly losing Sirius at the department Harry's had enough. Tired of the abuse and being neglected by those he thought loved him all summer he decides to it's time to end it and goes back to the veil and jumps through. What Harry wasn't expecting, though, is to end up hundreds of years in the past. More in

  • I'll Set You Free

    SET DURING THE POSSESSION SCENE IN OOTP: Voldemort gets full control of Harry in the Department of Ministries. Harry's soul is slowly dying the longer Voldemort has power over him. Ron won't rest until he has his Harry back to normal. Can he do it, or will Harry be lost forever? SLASH! Sorry if the summary sucks! I'm bad at summaries!

  • I'll Always be There: Version Two

    It's been two years since mother was killed. During that time I've found out I can see into the past and future. No one knows this though. I'm finally old enough to go to Hogwarts. And once there I plan on knowing my mum. One way or another, I will meet him. No one, not even Voldemort, can stop me. Sorry the summary sucks but I'm bad at them. The stories worth reading I promise!

  • I'll Always Be There

    Sequel to Please, Don't Leave Me Alone. Two years since my mom was killed. Since then dad's never really been the same. He's worried about me. Mainly because I go to Hogwarts soon. There's more too. I get these dreams. I can't explain them but it's like I can see the past and future. Voldemort is still after me, and he won't stop until he kills me.

  • Please, Don't Leave Me Alone

    Set after GOF: The guilt of Cedric's death was more than Harry could bare. Day-by-day, he's slowly slipping into depression. Meanwhile, Fenrir Greyback has been order to capture Harry and bring him to Voldemort. Everything changes when Fenrir finds out that his target happens to be his mate. Will they get the happy ending they want , or will death separate them forever.