
  • Break The Shield

    Twins Phil and Lilly Brooks have always stuck together, from growing up living from couch to couch to getting in the WWE it's been them against the world but how will Phil overcome fair when Lilly doesnt need him to take care of her anymore, as she finds comfort in a man that Phil never would have pegged as her type.

  • Troubled Blood

    The Ryder Siblings have had it tough but have always stuck together as a family but what happens when one sibling is betrayed by the other? can they work through or are they bettter to leave each other be

  • The Art Of Lilly

    After struggling for two years in Japan, Lilly has decided to come home and get her self back to a state that she can be proud of with the help of her Twin Brother Phil, the only person she can always rely on to get her heard right. But she didnt take in to accout the fact that her brothers new roomie was the handsome, loveable, goofy hilarious Colt Cabana

  • Fanbrose

    Dean Ambrose isn't what everybody see's, see what happens when he runs in to a fan that will change his life completely in a way he never expected

  • Alcohol, Sex & Wrestling (Before The Web)

    This is a prequel of sorts to Tangled Web, some things are different (IE Seth is Seth, not a baby lol) but i wanted to explore Dean and Flynn before Flynn got pregnant, and see how they evolved and what sort of situations they got themselves into so Enjoy :)

  • Crash and Burn

    Tia was had a list of places she wanted to sing at across America on her last night over a seemingly solo drink she questions what to do next, should she continue or quit and find something new. Dean over hears the songstress talking in to her vodka sunrise and decides to talk her out of quiting when Tia's life long friend CM Punk turns up at the bar . . .