
  • Unarmed

    The boys are out saving the world again, and as usual Janine is left alone. It's just another ordinary day at the office...or is it? A short story on Egon and Janine's first hug.

  • A Thousand Words

    Egon reminisces about what happened after Gozer was defeated.

  • Sleepy time Matsuda

    It's hard being a detective on the Kira Task Force. Those long days and nights looking at computer screens and security tapes can really wipe a guy out. It's hard not to fall asleep on the job. Just a cute sleeping Matsuda oneshot because sleepy Matsuda is too cute. Has Soichiro too just because I really like the idea of them having this adorable surrogate father son relationship.

  • Countdown

    There are six bullets in Matsuda's revolver. Six ways to be useful. Six ways to bring Kira to justice. Six reasons for revenge. Just my take on Matsuda's thoughts about the revealing of Kira at the end of the series, be that manga or anime.