

  • Things No Longer Allowed Involving Shipgirls Continued

    Picking up where CV12Hornet left off, the shenanigans of these girls are endless!

  • Glory and the Black Sea

    Russian cruiser Moskva finds herself as a newly reborn Kanmusu. The Abyssals, her own country, and the mayhem associated with shipgirls may be once again too much for this flagship of the Black Sea to bear.

  • Legends

    In the months before America summons its first kanmusu, a new arrival journeys there. One who is carrying the secret to how the war began...

  • America's Cup Shenanigans

    Spun off from the "Things No Longer Allowed" story. The Cup as commentated on by shipgirls, for shipgirls.

  • Sacrifice

    A drabble describing the ending of "The Great War of Archimedes"

  • A Battle of Revenge

    Enterprise's fight against the Reliant in the Wrath of Khan.

  • The End of the Silver Lady

    Enterprise's death over Genesis. It's unclear if that's how she will die in the new timeline but I imagine for the most part the timeline is relatively intact and most events will unfold in the same way.

  • A Change of Command

    The events of this fic take place about a year before the events of Planes: Fire and Rescue, around the same time that Dusty was competing in the wings around the globe rally. My take on how Blade became Fire Chief of the Piston Peak Air Attack team. Rated T to be safe.

  • Defector

    The Hunt for Red October, through the eyes of the sub herself. Rated T for future chapters.

  • In the Mine

    A missing scene in Planes 2 when Blade and Dusty are in the mine. Rated T to be safe.

  • Reoccurrences

    Somewhat of a second fic to Blade's Anguish but not really. Dusty has crashed and Blade finds himself recalling Nick's death.

  • Blade's Anguish

    A scene in Planes 2 when Blade is looking out over that hill. He thinks about his time with Nick and how it all came to an abrupt, and sudden end.

  • Pegasi: The Saga of Orion Pax

    It has been rumored that Optimus was one of the Thirteen. This is his story, from his birth as Orion Pax to his time as leader of the Autobots. Rated T for later chapters.

  • The Damned: PART 1: INNOCENCE

    Davy Jones isn't the only one with a storied past. The Dutchman has her own secrets to tell. Rated T for later chapters.

  • Zero Tolerance

    A novelized version of Operation Zero Tolerance, Sea Shepherd's 2012-2013 campaign in the Southern Ocean. No like, no read!

  • Sea Shepherd Trilogy

    Each story is from a different POV. 1. POV of a humpback whale off the coast of California in 1975. 2. POV of a minke whale in the Southern Ocean in 2009 3. POV of Paul Watson

  • The Last Derby

    A novilization of Deadliest Catch, Season 1. From the ship's perspective.

  • New Beginnings

    A novilization of Deadliest Catch: Season 2 from the ship's perspective.

  • Sisters to the End

    While impounded in Scotland, the MY Steve Irwin, aka: Westra, reminisces back on the days with her sisters, the other Island-class patrol vessels.

  • The Danger of Secrets

    Not really based on any episode but I guess a bit of "Trust" could be involved here. In keeping McGarrett's family secrets, Missouri is subjected to intense torture from Chinese terrorists. Rated T for violence and torture.